Friday, September 12, 2014

Labor Day Camping

We spent our Labor Day weekend camping just like we do every year. We went camping up past Kelly Canyon Ski Resort by Cold Spring. It's a different area than we have camped in the past and it wasn't crowded at all. It was so nice.
Chloe was in the truck with her daddy and the boys were with me in the van. Gavin wanted to listen to Queen. Part of the road was really washboardy (pretend that's a word) while they were singing "We are the Champions" so it sounded like they were singing it in vibrato. It was hilarious. 
Mason made himself right at home as soon as we got there
Roasted some hot dogs for dinner
My hubby giving me the "another picture look"
Good thing he loves me

We had a sombrero left in our camper from the bag skits. Mason and Chloe kept taking turns wearing it.
I found left over sparklers from the 4th of July in the closet so I brought them up for the kids to play with before winter
My brother Kenny and his clan made it up Friday night. After dinner we all made smores but with Girl Scout thin mint cookies, they were delish! Kenny's marshmallow was a little too gooey and fell onto his beard. He said he was saving it for a midnight snack. (I can't get the picture to flip, weird)
Yes, I admit, this is my brother in his underwear in the middle of the woods. He was trying to get a reaction out of me not realizing I had my camera, haha! I got him!

Cody is slowly becoming a hunter, not a "gatherer" as my brothers lovingly call him. He and Gavin went grouse hunting and was 3 for 3. He cooked them up that night and we had them as an appetizer and they were surprisingly delicious!
Chloe was sad because it cooled off a little and I made her put on pants.
The boys made a jump out of a pit by our campsite and Gavin wasted no time trying it out. Yesterday we went riding and he was still pretty timid on his bike, but by the end of the weekend after riding with Kenny and Taylor, he pretty much lost that timidness. However, now his mommy is a nervous wreck!! He was so excited to show me what he could do, but it was all I could do to watch and not want to wrap him in bubble wrap!

Uncle Kenny teaching my son naughty things!
Look mom, no ground!!


Gavin was so excited to be one of the pack

I have a gun in my hand...and I'm actually shooting it!! This is a HUGE deal for me.

When I was a teenager I would go shoot targets in the desert with the neighbors. When I was in high school one of my girlfriends was fatally shot (not when we were shooting and I wasn't with her) and I have been terrified of guns since. I literally haven't touched one and even the sight of them would send chills up my back. 
Cody bought a new gun for hunting this fall and I decided it was time to get over my fear and asked Cody to teach me how to use it. He took me up the road to a more remote spot in a little canyon and set up some targets. He didn't hand me the gun, he let me pick it up when I was ready and we took it from there. 
I shot it a few times and then threw clay pigeons for him so he could practice shooting. All in all it was a good thing and I'm glad that I did it. Maybe one of these days I'll do a post on my fear of guns and over coming it. 

Not sure if this  is really the correct stance, but I didn't fall over when I shot and my shoulder is still intact.
We found a thistle covered in lady bugs when we were getting more firewood

Gavin with "sleeping-bag head"
Paul and Erin came up for the day to hang out with us
Faith and Kaitlyn
Tristen, Mandy and Keylee
Mom and Mason
Mason, Grandma, Chloe and Grandpa
It's moments like these that earned Chloe her nickname "Butt crack Betty"
Mandy (gettting attacked by the smoke), Mason, Chloe and Faith on electronics while camping!! ugh! and Kaitlyn
David, Dad, Grandpa, Gus
He's a man of many names
Gavin after another ride with Kenny and his kids
They were riding on trails all over in the canyon and Gavin had a couple of wrecks. Hearing about them was bad enough, I'm so glad I didn't have to see them. I'm having a hard time letting my little guy spread his wings
I would probably wreck too if my goggles looked liked that!
Blakely Family
Labor Day Weekend 2014
Back: Tristen, Mandy, Keylee, Kenny, Dad, Taylor, Mom, Cody, Teri, Tayvri, Erin, Brigham, Paul, Bailee
Front: Mason, Kaitlyn, Chloe, Braxton, Gavin

1 comment:

The Cawley's said...

Looks fun! I can't believe you ate the poor innocent birdies- did you make your kids eat them too?