Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Catch Up!!

This is my 9th post today so when you are done with this one, keep reading because there are lots more. I am FINALLY caught up...at least for now.
Chelsea, Karen and I had a craft night at my house and this is what we made. I wish I would've taken a picture of all three because we all did they same thing and they all turned out so different.
Gavin modeling some awesome Dollar Store stuff
We went to Kiwi Loco with my brother Paul and his kids Bailee and Brigham. By the looks on their faces I don't think they realize they are about to get ice cream!
Chloe and Mason
Bailee watching me build a block tower that she get's to destroy
Cody and Gavin getting our garden ready
I do not say Blah, Blah, Blah - 
Gavin quoting Hotel Transylvania
Check out my score!! 117 points for one word. I was so excited I had to take a picture to show the world because it will never happen again.
Mason is finally going potty by himself without me having to pull his pants down for him
I put Mason and Chloe in the toyroom while I cleaned up dinner and the kitchen. I didn't think I had taken that long, but it was long enough for them to make this mess and then put themselves to bed. I guess we aren't doing story time tonight.
It's so hard to believe that two toddlers can make such a HUGE mess in less than 30 minutes and still have time to fall asleep. I think they do it on purpose to punish me for putting them in there but I can get stuff done in half the time if they aren't at my feet.
Gavin turned his car into an airplane
Look at that grin on his face. He loves basketball!
Gavin and Cocoa
My Little Princess and her purses
Chloe wearing mommy's shoe's
I found Mason playing in the toyroom and asked him what happened. His reply " I gutted the fish" Yes, Yes you did.
The gutted fish
The stuffing was everywhere. All over the floor, behind the door, in the kitchen set and in some of the toy bins. Did I mention this was about an hour before we had 98 people over at our house for a party? Love my kids!!


 Gavin is not afraid of Fireball at all. He will let it crawl all over him and whenever we have people over they are always attracted to the tarantula.
 Gavin's buddy Thatcher being brave : )
Cody's sister
Cody's cousin
She did OK until he started crawling up her arm

Just for the Record: 
No one made them hold Fireball it was their own choice but it made for some good laughs

Welcome Home BBQ

I have been telling everyone that when Cody got home for good we were going to have a HUGE party so we did!! Luckily the weather was nice because I know for sure 98 people would not have fit in my house!
 The Man of the Hour
He flipped burgers all night. He was in his "happy place at the grill"
 Dan and Angie
 Scott (never a serious face) and Cassie
 Mom, Madisen, Karen, Paul, Megan and April
 John and Stephanie
 Liz and Tiffany
and a whole lot of kids!
 Keegan, Cadee, Savannah, Eric and Keith
 Tom, Jon, Julianne and their girls
 Bonnie and Doug
 Thomas, Brett, and Bodie
 April, Teri, Chloe, Taylor, Jolene, Megan, Karen, David
Mandy, Kenny, Kayla and Corey in background
 My toothless cutie
Very Hungry Kayla and Scared to pull his food away Corey
 Eric being the first brave soul to try my "special jello salad" 
He said the noodles just tasted "orange" but the hot dogs made him gag
 "Special Jello Salad"
I made this as a joke to see if anyone would eat it and only one little girl took some and her mom said she didn't even eat it. After everyone had been through the line I held them up and teased them all for not eating my salad and that I had put a lot of hard work and elbow grease into it! 
It's orange jello with cooked ramen noodles and two sliced hot dogs. YUCK!!

 One word: Trouble!!
They were daring each other to eat my salad
 Cody and Tom
These two have been friends for over 20 years (that makes us sound so old!) It was so good to see him again, it's literally been almost 2 years.
 Paige and Tyler chilling with the little kids : )

I just realized I'm missing pictures and they aren't still on my SD card. I'm missing pictures of my two little ones, Chelsea, Stevie and her kids, Adlina and Ella, my nieces and nephews....sad and weird. 

 After everyone had left we went to our room and found this on our bed and for a minute I thought "how sweet"
Then I realized that Liz (who had a mischievous look on her face before she left) had really been up to no good!

We feel so blessed to have so many wonderful friends, family and neighbors. I'm so glad Cody is home for good so we can spend more time with them.

April 27, 2013

Improv Underground

Some friends of ours invited us to go to Improv Underground  with them, six of us total. Ackerschott's, Lewis's and us.  It was hilarious and there was a lot of audience participation which made it even funnier. Cody even got pulled up on stage. They were asking him his name, what he did for a living, where he worked, who he worked with, etc.
 All night long they had been knocking Jefferson County so when they asked if Cody had ever lived in Jefferson County and he said "no" I yelled out "liar" and then they really let him have it. He secretly and lovingly gave me the middle finger from up on stage.
The guy on the left was playing Cody and the guy in the middle was Conan, a man with long hair that Cody works with. The lady on the far right was donating her hair to the fake Conan so make it more realistic.

We ended the night with a trip to Orange Leaf.

Chloe's 1st Haircut

Chloe's hair was starting to get straggly in the back so I finally caved and took my baby to get her first haircut at Aunt Cassie's salon.
 She wasn't so sure about it
 We gave her a book to distract her
 Cousin Maycee came in to give her moral support
 Aunt Cassie was good to let her touch and feel everything before she did it so she wouldn't be scared

 Of course fruit snacks make everything better
 All Done!
 My baby is not a baby anymore.