Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Cody found Bouncy, the bunny Gavin got for his birthday, dead in her cage (we found out later it was from her food). Gavin was already at school and we seriously contemplated just finding another bunny just like Bouncy and putting it in the cage. We didn't know how Gavin was going to handle having another pet die in less than a month, but we decided against it. We waited until we were home from picking him up to tell him. He was upset and cried but not nearly as much as he did when we told him about Bud. 
Cody found a man in Firth that had all kinds of rabbits so we headed out there to let Gavin pick out another bunny. There were so many to choose from he had a hard time. He finally decided on a black and white male bunny and then Cody, much to my dismay, picked out a female bunny too. I told him we were not having a bunny farm and that they needed separate cages or a prescription for birth control.
Gavin named both of them. Cody wanted to name them Herbert and Sherbert or Humpy and Dumpy, but Gavin refused.
Mason and "Fluffy Jo Fry"
They have the same big brown eyes!
"Spotty Keith Fry"

The girl has the same middle and last name as I do and the boy bunny has the same middle and last name as Cody. Gavin named them all by himself. Silly kid. 

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