Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Improv Underground

Some friends of ours invited us to go to Improv Underground  with them, six of us total. Ackerschott's, Lewis's and us.  It was hilarious and there was a lot of audience participation which made it even funnier. Cody even got pulled up on stage. They were asking him his name, what he did for a living, where he worked, who he worked with, etc.
 All night long they had been knocking Jefferson County so when they asked if Cody had ever lived in Jefferson County and he said "no" I yelled out "liar" and then they really let him have it. He secretly and lovingly gave me the middle finger from up on stage.
The guy on the left was playing Cody and the guy in the middle was Conan, a man with long hair that Cody works with. The lady on the far right was donating her hair to the fake Conan so make it more realistic.

We ended the night with a trip to Orange Leaf.

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