Saturday, November 28, 2015

Halloween 2015

This was my favorite part of the Halloween season this year. For the first time EVER since I have known Cody (which has been 25 years now, wow! That makes me sound REALLY old) he actually went to a haunted house and this time he didn't pay and leave me to venture through it without him like he did the last time we tried to go through with friends. It was so much fun, but my arm was so sore from him pulling on it as I pulled him through it. At one point he was squeezing my hand so hard I couldn't feel my fingers and had to make him let go. I hope he will go with me again next year, I love these places!
Cody, Teri, Jessica and Jason Beck
My kiddos this year. 
Gavin was a ninja (again, just a different costume), Mason was "Dark Vader" and Chloe was a Rainbow Unicorn.
Gavin on the trampoline at Aunt Kaylee's for Taiya's Halloween/Birthday Party the week before.
 My kids always did through the costume box and wear multiple costumes during Halloween. Mason was Dark Vader the entire time, but Gavin was Superman and Chloe was Strawberry Shortcake for Taiya's party.
Chloe at her Halloween Party for preschool. 

Chloe and Megan aka Minnie Mouse
Megan and Chloe
The boys were able to wear their costumes to school for Halloween. I told them to pose and this is what I got. I had to convince Mason that Yoda was a nice guy.
The kids can't wear masks to school so Mason decided to be Yoda for his class party because you just can't be Darth Vader without a mask.
School costume parade
(I had to quickly readjust Mason's costume before he kept going)
Sorry about the blurriness, he would not hold still and I was using my phone
I helped with Gavin's class party and Chloe came with me. She did pretty good at the Minute to Win It games we had for them to play

My boys awesome Principal Mr. Cziep/Jack Sparrow
After school we went Trick-or-Treating with Paul and Erin. We went to Say Boo to Cancer at the Teton Cancer Institute and then to Keller Williams for their indoor Trick-or-Treating
Our realtor Garth Jones the Minion

Darth and Leia
Tayvri, Brigham, Gavin, Bailee, Chloe, Mason and Laken (in front)

That night we went to the boys school for their annual carnival and it was sooo nice to not be in charge this year. I was able to enjoy it and spend time with my kids.
Monster sack races
Dance off
The boys had their fortunes told. Mason is going to get a bike that has no wheels.
Gavin is getting a pet porcupine. 
 When we go to parent teacher conference we are going to cry, Gavin is going to cry and his teacher is going to cry. (PTC is next week). They were both hilarious and I wish I could remember more, they were so funny.
Mr. Cziep called Cody and I out in front of a gymnasium full of people to participate in the pie eating contest. 
Luckily Mason volunteered to take my place so I didn't have to do it.
In front of our apartment.
Frank and Sherri invite the kids to come trick-or-treating every year and the kids love to explore there house. It was built in the early 1900's so it's not like any other house they have ever been in. 

At the Trunk-or-Treat
Keyara, Garrett and Journey (Squishy)
Juan and Jason
Gary and Carol Berguson
The Royal Lewis's

I am so exhausted by the time Halloween is over. It lasts for over a week, the kids are jacked up on sugar, we are running from place to place and not to mention all the costume changes. It's so fun, but I'm so glad that it's over. 

October 2015

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