Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Christmas Tree Hunting

We bundled the kids up, loaded them in the truck and headed up near Fall Creek in Swan Valley to find our first Christmas tree to celebrate our first Christmas in our Forever home. 

The road got pretty sketchy pretty quickly so we didn't make is as far up as we would have liked, but we didn't dare risk getting stuck all the way up there in the middle of nowhere especially without cell phone signal so we found a spot to park the truck and started walking.
We spotted what looked like a really good one, but we had to hike our tired butts up the hill in knee deep snow, but I'm so glad we did because it was THE ONE!! 
We left the kids down at the bottom of the hill to play. After we cut the tree down and were hiking back down the hill I saw a couple of razors stop and start talking to Mason and Chloe. Gavin was on his way up the hill to meet us. The next thing I know Mason and Chloe are climbing in the razor. Part of me is thinking that it can't possible be a kidnapper or a weirdo because why on earth would they be all the way up here looking for kids and the other half is COMPLETELY freaking out because it doesn't matter who they are they are taking off with my kids!! 
I make it to the bottom of the hill and the razors turn around. I feel a little better and then as they get closer I realize that it's our friends Steve and Beth Heath, they are the kidnappers. They finally got back at me for putting the 5 foot cross in the pile of dirt they had delivered to their front yard.
Mason, Avenly, Steve
Chloe and Beth
Gavin made the perfect snowball
My little snow angels
Don't mess with this kid!
On our way home through Conant Valley we saw about 50 head of elk scattered throughout one of the fields


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