Friday, May 26, 2017

Christmas 2016

Opening their Christmas Pajamas
{previous post explains why this was not done on Christmas Eve as usual}
Trolls and Lego Batman pajamas

They busted through the trap to see what Santa left them.
Mason was so excited that he actually got real cowboy boots
Chloe got her Baby Go Bye Bye
Gavin didn't get his Iphone 7 /tablet/laptop like he wanted but he did get a drone that has video capabilities.  I could tell he was a little disappointed it wasn't a phone, but he was still excited about the drone.
They fit!
"Look mommy! There's a baby on my belly!" 
First diaper change
A Batman mask that sounds like Batman when you talk into it.
Did we really just buy our 9 year old his very own hatchet for Christmas?!?!
I may be regretting my decision!
Nerf Bow
I think he was pretty excited about his Terra Climber
New Christmas dress
Batman mask, Batman belt and cowboy boots. This boy is in heaven.
The messy floor made it even more fun for Gavin. He was taking his Terra Climber over everything including up and down the stairs.
Christmas morning aftermath

Mason and Chloe both asked for guitars this year
Chloe bounced between playing Playdoh and playing with her baby.
She got an ice cream shoppe set and was making us all kinds of delicious treats

They put on a show for us and it sounded terrible but I loved it because they were so into it and were having so much fun.

We also got a virtual reality headset. It's going to be so much fun.
Christmas morning

Gavin got the game PIE FACE and we were all having so much fun with it.
Gavin was beating everyone until the Cawley girls came along

Madisen wins!! Gavin's loosing streak is over

The Cawley girls remain undefeated

Mason kept loosing on purpose so that he could eat the whip cream

At one point the little kids (Brigham, Tayvri and Laken) wanted to play me but I felt guilty getting them so I let them win. Then they kept wanting to play over and over again.
Big brother was "babysitting" for Chloe
Tayvir, Laken, Bailee and Chloe having a tea party.
This is what our front steps looked like when we to home. You couldn't even see our front steps, they were one big drift. There was so much snow and wind today. There were drifts all over.

::Christmas Memories::
Mason was sharing his jerky with daddy and his chocolate with everyone. He was also sad because it's Christmas because that means he has to wait another year for the next one. 

 We just hung out all morning. I was looking forward to going to church on Christmas Day and even bought the kids new church clothes, but everyone rebelled against me, even Cody. 
It was snowing and blowing all morning long and the driveway had drifts across it. It was a crazy drive to my moms on he roads. My dad had his driveway plowed when we got there. 

We watched a Christmas Story because it's tradition. We also happened to catch the part of the movie Stepmom that makes Karen and I cry so of course we had to watch that.

We had dinner at moms, spiral cut ham, funeral potatoes, salads, rolls and and of course pumpkin pie. Karen and I had pie first and dad was giving us crap for doing it. 

When we got home Landon Thurgood had plowed our driveway for us. Thank goodness for good neighbors because right now the cord on the snowblower is broken!! Cody shoveled the drift next to the garage door and I dug out the front steps. 

Cody was on the phone with Connelly talking football the the kids and I played flashlight nerf wars (all the lights in the house off with flashlights taped to our guns) It was so much fun as always.
After that I made popcorn and we went downstairs and we watched Storks.


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