Friday, June 26, 2015

Life of Fry

This Fat FRYday brought to you by Sonic!
One second she's talking to me, the next she's snoozing
Remember these ladies? The ones that kept showing up all over my house like this? Well I found another one!!
Just enjoying some watermelon at the park

Suckers for breakfast. At least 2 out of 3 of them got dressed first
Bed head
The kids have been begging to go to the "Tornado car wash" that my sister took them too

Vacuuming the kids hair

Kaitlyn and Faith after their dance recital. They both did such great jobs!
Bubble Monster
I watched the very last David Letterman episode. I haven't watched it in years, but I use to watch him all the time.
Chloe easily solved her problem of 2 strollers and not enough hands, just stack them! She's pretty much a pack rat as well.
On the way to Mason's preschool graduation I looked into the back seat and this is what I found.
Mason likes to sit by me and play with my hair. Shortly after I took this picture he asked me if he could give me a kiss.
I asked Gavin to straighten up his heap of stuffed animals and this is how he did it. He is so particular how things are lined up/stacked up etc.

Chloe and her babies
Paisley and Gavin
When did my baby grow up enough to be holding another baby?!?!
Gavin stayed with my sister-in-law Sadie and his nephew Lukas while we went to WY to rescue my van. They went to a thrift store and Gavin found this golden plate and just HAD to buy it for me so I could decorate with it. He wanted me to have a "golden plate". He even put it up on my shelf for me when we got home.
My little younger brother and I on his birthday. He's 34 this year, but I'm not sure how that really works since I'm only 29! ; )
Gavin loves animals including G&G Fry's bulldog Winston.
Chloe's choice of clothing has been pretty colorful lately
My "twins"

Cody bought me 2 diamond bands to surround my wedding ring for our 13th anniversary!! I really have some bling now!

Mason's hamster got out while I was in San Antonio and Chloe's hamster died shortly afterwards from loneliness maybe?

We had a mouse infestation in our chicken coop so I became a self proclaimed "mouse trapper".

Has been reading Harry Potter like crazy! He is now on book 3.
He had his first pinewood derby and did really well. He took 2nd in the wolf den and second overall 

 Had a check up with the dentist and had 9, yes 9 cavities!! He didn't have any 6 months ago, but since then Cody had been in charge of the tooth brushing since he was laid off work so I'm assuming teeth were not getting brushed at all on the days that I worked, naughty daddy!

WHY DOES MY FACE SOUND SO SLEEPY?- Chloe when she just woke up
WHAT IS THAT SLOBBERY STUFF- as she watching me put Oxi Clean on Gavin's grass stained pants

May 2015

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