Friday, June 26, 2015

Rescuing Van Dam

 We were up at 6:30 am on a Saturday and on the road by 8:00am. We were headed to Riverton, WY to get the van, but had to be back a little after 5pm for my niece's dance recital. 
 I didn't even dry my hair before we left so we could make good time. Instead I hung my head out the window to air dry it
 On top of the pass

Jackson Hole
Along the way we saw lots of deer, antelope, bison, roadkill and this:
 Dubois, WY
 World's Largest Jackalope
 Look familiar? I did this same exact thing 2 weeks ago
 We made it to Riverton at 1, and hour past when we hoped to be there.  The dealership had called Friday and told us the van was done. We told them we would be there Saturday by noon and our van wasn't even there when we arrived. It was at their other dealership getting an alignment. We didn't get out of Riverton until 2pm and then we got stuck behind this guy going 30 and we couldn't even pass him! This never happens when you are not in a hurry.

This picture was ridiculous to take. We were trying to get ourselves and the Tetons, but every time we would get on, the other one was cut off or we had the wrong mountain. We looked like a couple of yahoo's, taking selfies is definitely not our thing. 
At this point it was 4pm, we were over 2 hours from home, hadn't eaten a real meal all day and finally conceded that we weren't going to make it to the recital after all despite our best efforts. We headed to Jackson Hole to eat and while we were walking around trying to decide where to eat we found this!
 Yep, a rabbit fur bikini or possibly a bra and panty set?!?! We actually were not really sure, but it was hilarious. They also had a man's version next to it and wish I wouldn't gotten a picture.

After dinner we headed home only to get caught in a monsoon/hurricane/craziness driving over Pine Creek pass. The rain was coming down in sheets and there was so much of it that it couldn't run off the road fast enough so the (sloped) road was soaking wet, the wind was blowing my van every where, limbs were blowing off trees and onto the road and the rocks were rolling with the mud off the side of the mountain and into the borrow pit on the side of the road. Cody was behind me in his truck and he had to dodge a huge branch that had blown/fallen onto the road after I had been past it. It was complete craziness!!

 We stopped at Rainey Creek and celebrated us surviving the pass with square ice cream cones. We got back into town around 8pm and picked Gavin up. He was playing with his cousin Luke all day. Bedtime was a breeze with only 1 kid! Mason and Chloe were with G&G until the next day. 

Here are a few more pics. Wyoming, at least the western side, it a lot prettier than I thought it would be. All of these were taken while driving (again to try and save time) so they aren't the best, but here you go anyway:

May 30, 2015

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