Friday, June 26, 2015

Mason's Preschool Graduation 5/21

Mason and my niece Madisen with Onda K on their last day of preschool

Onda K and Mason
Mason is such a little guy. Meysa who is standing next to him is only 4
They danced and sang songs for their program. Some of the songs were:
God Bless the USA
Let it Go
What does the Fox say?

Our family after the graduation
Chloe, Cody, Mason, Teri and Gavin
My sister's family
Megan, Karen, Madisen and Chet
Chase must have been with a grandparent
After the graduation Gavin gave Mason a high five, a hug and then wanted their picture together
Brothers: Mason and Gavin
(These were taken with my phone so they pretty much stink!)
Chloe felt left out and had to join them
Mason, Gavin and Chloe
My little graduate!
Right after this picture is when the blood bath began. Mason and Gavin were horsing around, Mason ended up tripping and hitting his face on the stage. His nose started bleeding so I held my hand under it as we quickly walked to the bathroom. He was screaming, blood running down his face and pooling into my hand. I'm pretty sure we traumatized a bunch of preschooler's that night.
When it was all said and done and I had the crime scene in the bathroom all cleaned up he had a bloody shirt, bloody nose and a fat lip...preschool graduations are rough!
We celebrated with a trip to Orange Leaf
(I still can't believe little Ririe has an Orange Leaf!)
This was Karen's (my sister) first trip to Orange Leaf...ever!! I felt as if I failed as a big sister by not introducing her to this place sooner ; )

May 21, 2015

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