Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring Break

 This is how spring break started...SNOW, lots of it!
 We found these worms in the gutter across the street. They went on for about 20 feet, so crazy.
 The kids took a bath to warm up after playing in the snow and decided that Chloe's boots needed a bath too. Nothing better than bathing with a pair of stinky snow boots.
 Gavin's new hat
 I made my first ever Chicken Pot Pie
 I was super impressed with myself. I don't think I'm a very good cook, but it turned out delicious and we ended up devouring all of  it.
 Took the kids to see "The Nut Job" (not about man parts as the title leads you to believe). Mason and Chloe did great until the popcorn ran out so I didn't get to see much of the last half of the show. Good thing it was at the cheap seats.
 We watched conference on Saturday and Sunday. Cody did Chloe's hair.
 She was NOT impressed at all, but Cody thought it was hilarious.
 Then it was my turn
(we have been watching "Chuck" on netflix hence the ponytails)
 Then he tried to fix it, but it wasn't much better
He ended up doing this to cover up the crooked part!


The Cawley's said...

I can't believe you let your husband do your hair! You are brave. Better then Gavin though, he might have decided your hair was too long! Snip, Snip! ;)

The Cawley's said...

We need to come and see your chickens! That's so funny you have an escape artist on your hands! Just wait til it gets older and figures out how to get out of the coop, you'll be chasing that chicken all over your neighborhood!