Thursday, April 10, 2014

Couch Remodel

Cody bought me a couch and loveseat as a wedding gift when we got married almost 12 years ago. The love seat is still in pretty good shape but the couch had definitely seen better days. The back cushions take a beating from the kids. They love to sit on them and watch out the window. I got tired of them looking so terrible and decided to do something about it. (I refuse to by a new couch until the kids are a little easier on the furniture). 
This is how they looked on a good day. No shape and just a mess.
 I took the stuffing out of them (I removed the stuffing out of the first one before I remembered to take a before picture) and then took all of the cushion covers off and gave them a good washing. When we get the carpets cleaned I'm going to have them do the rest of the couch then.
 Then I cut the foam into the shape I needed
 Why yes, this is my meat slicer. I should get an A+ for resourcefulness. It actually worked really well.
This is what they look like afterwards. I need to put more batting around the cushions because they look too "blocky" and they are not soft! When I was shopping for something to put in them I was only thinking that I wanted something durable that would hold up. It didn't cross my mind that I needed to make sure it was comfortable too, oops! It's an easy fix but in the meantime, it's not a comfortable place to sit.

1 comment:

The Cawley's said...

Genius, why have we not thought of that before?