Sunday, April 27, 2014

Life of Fry

I left Cody in charge of the kids for a little over an hour so I could take Gavin to his basketball game and this is what I came home too. Kids covered in black permanent marker. Mason was the one that did all the drawing and Chloe let him. These two cause so much mischief when they are together.

We had to put chicken wire over the top of the box because Goldilocks kept jumping up on the water dish and then out of the box. We didn't want the dog to eat her. (They are out of my dining room and in the garage now, thank goodness).
Gavin brought me my first "flowers" of the season
Gavin put a fly tattoo on Chloe's belly button
She was so excited
Gavin wanted to take "funny face" pictures with me
Mason loves riding these so for his date night I gave him $3 in quarters and he rode these until he ran out of money and then he wanted to go to Target for popcorn and and Icee.
I found Chloe sleeping with her glowing princess wand in her hand and  snuggled under the blanket that my grandma made.  I love having a little girl!
I had to clean out my dad's trailer so I could borrow it and I found Santa's head. I sent it to my brother Paul and he wrote back, "You decapitated Santa? You just killed the dreams of every child in north America!"  
My only question is, "What about the rest of the world Paul?" I love my siblings.
Chloe had a bench fall on her foot while I was helping in Gavin's class. (Don't feel to bad, she was told by the sitter multiple times to stay off the bench). That was in the morning and all day long she wouldn't walk on it at all and would scream bloody murder every time I would even try to touch it. Finally later that afternoon I decided to have it checked out, but really only because we were leaving town this weekend. It reminded me of this:
 Bahahaha SO TRUE!!!!
We saw the Dr. and she let him touch her foot without screaming bloody murder. He didn't think it was broken either, but becasue it was bruised, swollen and she hadn't walked on it all day we both decided we better have it checked out.
Getting her first x-ray. She looks happy, but was crying the next minute because we had to touch her foot to position it for the x-ray
She was a drama queen the rest of the night and was taking advantage of mommy babying her. She insisted on being carried everywhere. We got the results and it wasn't broken, surprise surprise, but I needed to be sure for my own sanity since we were going out of town.
Gavin wanted ice cream and to play on the toys at McDonald's for his date night. We were the only ones there in the play-place so we had it all to ourselves for talking,  tag and tickle wars.

On a sad not, I got a phone call on the way home from Utah. It was Gavin and I could tell something was wrong. I asked him and he started crying and told me that Fireball (his tarantula) had died.  I noticed Fireball wasn't himself this week. He wasn't moving around much and I fed him two crickets and they were still alive a few days later which is unusual.

I wanted to hug and cuddle with Gavin so bad, I wanted to kiss his tear streamed face and tell him it was going to be OK but I was over an hour away. I felt so bad for not being there, but realized I can't always be there for everything even though I want too. We talked about it for awhile and then I gave daddy specific instructions to help him feel better.

On a sillier note this is what my husband looks like after he gets out of the shower and fluffs his beard and hair. 
 He is on a mission not to shave or cut his hair until he loses 50 lbs. Heaven help me!!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

I absolutely LOVE these posts! That fly on Chloe's belly is disgusting. And RIP Fireball. That is sad!