Thursday, April 10, 2014

Life of Fry

 Mason's Sunbeam teacher, Sister Mitchell, brought him back a "big chocwut awigator" and as well as some gummy gators back from Florida. He was so excited.  She really spoils him.
 Rare moment:
The kids sitting still, being quiet AND getting along!!
 Chloe's new pose when she sees the camera. She closes her eyes too. It's hard not to caption this "Praise the Lord" or something similar. Not sure where she got this from.
 I made her look at me and smile. My boots are her new favorite pair of shoes.
 The kids were all playing with swords together and having a great time and I thought it was so cute that I took a picture. Fast forward a few hours....
 Our newest (and of course biggest) TV.....the kids no longer have their swords. I didn't shower until in between conference sessions on Sunday. The kids wanted to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles while I showered and they decided to help the Ninja Turtles fight the bad guys. They scratched it up really good before Mason stabbed the TV and this was the end result. You can't really see it in the picture but above the white part it's shattered and looks like a baseball (sword) hit it. 

The boys told me what they had done first. I asked Cody if he was in a good mood and then told him the boys had something to tell him but that he needed to count to 10 before he reacted. After they told him he didn't say a word. He just walked out the front door and took a long walk around the block to cool off and then came home and talked to them about it. 

Needless to say the boys are doing extra manual labor to earn the money to buy a new one and they are grounded from electronics.
 Gavin turned his towel into a scarf and took this himself.
 He couldn't get the full shot so he had me talk a different one after I strategically covered up a certain area.
 My 7 year olds hands are almost as big as mine already
The Dr. Q Crew
 Steve (blue hat) is having brain surgery to have a tumor removed.  As part of his temporarily-going-away gift we took a picture of all of us (mostly as a joke), printed an 8x10, framed it and gave it to him to put next to his bed so he didn't miss us while he was gone. He loved it : )
Back: Char, Lynette, Toiny
Front: Steve, me, Dr Quinton
 Found this on the back of Gavin's school work. That's the best part of checking his backpack everyday is to see what fun and weird things he has done.
 Cody had been talking about these crazy "Sandlot (as in the movie) edition" PF flyers for as long as I can remember. He brought them up again and I made him show me what he was talking about. I secretly ordered them for him and they were delivered the other day. He was so excited, it was like Christmas all over again. I don't see the awesomeness in them like he does, but whatever makes him happy.
 My nephew Evan turned 2. He LOVES McDonald's hamburgers so my sister-in-law got him a hamburger cake and had his party at McDonald's. He was on cloud nine all night!
 You can't really tell whats going on her through the screen and I missed the highlight, but Cody looked out the window and found both Mason and Gavin standing on the edge of the trampoline with their pants around their ankles and they were peeing off the side of the trampoline. BOYS!!!

 We were holding the baby chicks the other day and as a choke I held Goldilocks upside down and put her in front of the kids and said "Fluffy chicken butt!" and they thought it was the funniest thing and now they want me to do it all the time. It is pretty cute and fluffy for a chicken butt.
 I can't believe how fast they are growing, but it's a good thing because I can't wait to get them out of my house!! It's fun for the kids but grosses me out. 
 Chloe petting Mavis
 The first time I saw this I thought we had a dead chick on our hands, but it was just sleeping. They all sleep like this and it creeps me out. I had no idea....weirdos.
 We got home form taking Gavin to school and found Goldilocks hanging out int he middle of the dining room. I upgraded them to a much larger and taller house right away. She's a smart one though. She jumps onto the water bottle or feed bottle and then out of the box and gets out of the bigger one too. She is going to be trouble! ; )

 Gavin started basketball again. His team won their first game and he made 3 of the baskets.
 Gavin making a basket.
At one point he was in the key getting guarded by the entire red team. He couldn't pass and couldn't shoot because he was surrounded.  His back was to the basket and he did a backwards granny shot. He totally missed but everyone was busting up. It was the funniest thing to watch. Silly kid.
 This is pretty much what Mason and Chloe did during the game. They hugged and laughed and hugged and laughed.
 They were spinning as they were doing it so I couldn't get a non-blurry picture with my phone. 

 She is the most alert baby I have ever met and super adorable to boot!
 Chloe finally got to hold a "real" baby and she was so excited.

 Chloe doing a funny face
 I added some detail to Ashley's bunny
 As well as made some changes to her husband's work badge
(Don't worry I made sure he saw it BEFORE he went to work so I didn't get him fired)

 Idaho Wind
 The boys were given kites for their birthdays and it was finally a non-rainy, non-snowy but windy day so we took the kites out. Gavin got his up and going pretty quick.
 I spent the majority of the time untangling Mason from his kite over and over and over again until I gave up and was going to have him help me fly mine. 
(Note the lack of trees in the park and the large open field we are in)
 I had my kite up in the air for about 20 seconds when a big gust of wind broke my kite string and sent it flying and of course it had to land in the top of one of the ONLY trees in the entire park!!! The branches were too small for me to climb the tree and Gavin didn't want to. One of my former cub scouts happened to also be at the park and I asked him if he would check to see if by chance it fell out of the tree before he left. 
While I was taking the kids to the bathroom he was shaking the branches and the kite string happened to fall down so he could reach it. We were able to pull it out of the tree. I was so happy because I love this kite. It is the best flying kite ever!! I delivered two Twix candy bars (Cameron's favorite) to him tonight for saving the day.
 Before my kite was saved from the tree and I was feeling rather blue my sister sent me this. She was getting into her car and the crazy wind blew her hair up right as she was shutting the door. Ha ha ha ha ha!! Totally made my day and I'm still laughing right now about it. What are the odds!!

The Yard: Part 9, 324
 My brother and his wife removed a bunch of sod in their yard to make way for flower beds and we were the happy recipients of it. We are going to put it in our front yard where we had to replace our sewer line. We have watered it down enough that it no longer looks like a massive grave in our front yard. Let the fun begin!!

 Gavin earning "replace the TV" money
 He actually loves working side by side with his daddy so it's not really a punishment for him.

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