Sunday, April 27, 2014

Easter 2014

The night before we had two Easter egg hunts. For the first one I put glow sticks in Easter eggs and hid them all over our basement and turned all the lights off. The kids loved it but wanted to know where the candy was. I totally saw that one coming. 
Then we sent them outside to find the eggs WITH CANDY that we hid outside.
Gavin is like a crazy man and runs from egg to egg and loads his basket up as fast as he can.
Mason set his basket in the middle of the lawn and would run to an egg and then back to his basket, open the egg to see what was in it, eat the candy and then go find another egg. He didn't end up with very many.
Chloe did pretty good and ended up with quite a few eggs.

Mason spilled candy on the grass so Chloe stopped what she was doing and went and helped him pick it up.
After the hunt was over
Gavin had so much fun he took all of his eggs and hid them again for the kids to find over and over. I finally told them they had to call it quits so we had time to color Easter Eggs.
Chloe and Lily, Cody's shovel. 
The original handle broke on it years ago and Cody was in the middle of something and didn't want to leave to go buy a new shovel and/or handle so he cut a big branch off of our Lilac tree to replace the handle, hence the name Lily.
Gavin "hid' a bunch of eggs all over the bunny cage which grossed me out because the kids had to walk by the bunny poop. Mason dropped one of them and it broke open right by the poop. He was mad at me because I threw his egg and the candy away.

The inside of one of our hard boiled eggs, weird.
One of the eggs that I decorated and no, I didn't spell it wrong, it's an inside joke ; )

Gavin's "Vampalien" egg.
A vampire and alien mix
Mason and Chloe lost interest pretty quickly so it ended up just being Cody, Gavin and I that colored the majority of them.
The kids Easter baskets
Happy Easter!
Gavin loves the story "The Monster at the end of this book" so I was super excited when we the Easter Bunny found "Another Monster at the end of this book"
Chloe chowing down on her chocolate Easter bunny
The kids got silly string in their baskets and Mason was attacked by Gavin
Chloe just wanted to shoot the dog and the tree
(this sod is coming out as well to make room for a much needed back patio)
The kids had candy, candy and even more candy for breakfast. A few times a year isn't going to kill them right?
The after math of Easter and reason number 9,845 why I'm not buying a new couch until the kids are older.
The annual Easter egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Blakely's
Standing: Madisen, Gavin and Mason
Sitting: Bailee, Chloe, Tayvri, Brigham and Megan

 This is pretty much my favorite picture of the day. Look at those pigtails flying in wind! She had practice last night and knew exactly what she was doing!!

See those lips right above Gavin's hand? My brother is always putting on carmex and kissing my windows. I have just given up on washing them off every time, but I have BIG plans to get him back, Bwahahahaha!!
Chloe, Brigham, Erin, Tayvri, Megan, Chase, Chet and Karen
Brigham, Paul, Mason, Tayri, Erin, Bailee and Chloe
Mason didn't like the "pokey fings" (pine needles)
He changed his mind once he saw Bailee getting the eggs out of the tree
Erin, Megan, Karen, Chloe and Brigham
All the kids with their goodies
Madisen, Chloe, Bailee, Brigham, Mason, Gavin, Bailee and Megan
....and they are ALL looking!
This isn't a good pic, but I caught Mason in the middle of a sneeze ; )
My kids:
Chloe, Gavin and Mason

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