Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Life of Fry

Cody and I were finally able to sneak away on a much needed date night on the 6th. We went out to dinner, did a some Christmas shopping for the kids and then to "Catching Fire". Cody had not watched it yet and I wanted to see it again. It ended up being a family affair. We ran into my cousin Matt who was going to a different movie and then my aunt Paige, uncle Jeff and cousin Garet were in the same theater we were in.

When we got home there was a backhoe on our front lawn. We knew it was coming but it still made us laugh. Who else would come home to a backhoe in the middle of their lawn? Then we found out that Foster had gotten sick and puked all over in the bathroom and my new favorite babysitter Paige had cleaned him up as well as the puke and put him to bed with a puke bowl. Most sitters would have called me to come home and deal with it, but she took care of all of it (happy mommy!). 

After I took her home I tried to get my pajamas on, but realized my dresser drawers were empty and so were Cody's. We made the mistake of letting our friends know that we were out for the night. They so graciously emptied our drawers into garbage bags and hid them throughout the house. I called Paige to see if she would fess up who was involved (even though I knew exactly who it was and found out later I was right), but she was sworn to secrecy. I found out later that she was worried that we would never hire her again because she let people into our house (she is their neighbors), but I told her it comes with the territory of babysitting for the Fry's so not to worry about it.

The next morning was digging day and our water had to be shut off while they dug up the sewer line. I plugged my flat iron in and left the bathroom to do something else while it heated up. When I came back in the bathroom it smelled like puke. I figured it was because the water was shut off and there must still be puke from last night stuck in the pee trap and because the water was off it was wafting into the room, gross!! I picked up my flat iron to do my hair and luckily turned it just right and realized that there was puke on the inside of my curling iron that was now baked on and sooo GROSS! Sometimes I'm lazy and just leave it on the back of the toilet instead of putting it away and it gets knocked on the floor by the kids which must have happened last night, but Paige was a sweetheart and picked it up for me and didn't notice the puke just like I didn't notice it. I was so glad I did see it BEFORE I used it though because I wouldn't have been able to wash my hair unless I went somewhere else.

A couple of days later I came home around 10 after being over at Chelsea's making some crafty things and I heard Gavin puking. Luckily he puked all over his blanket. He was on the top bunk so I carefully grabbed all four corners of his blanket to keep it contained, but as I was getting down I slipped, lost grip of one of the corners and all the puke ran out of the blanket onto Gavin's bed, all over the railing, onto Mason's sheets and his railing and then finished dumping all over their carpet. So much for being well contained. Ugghhh!!! 

OK now for some picture overloads!
The triplets reading stories
Chloe dresses herself a lot now, but you wouldn't know it ; )
Gavin being a sweet big brother
He got mad because I took a picture. He's has been hit and miss on wanting his picture taken lately.
He was mad again, but look at Chloe's face, how could I not take another one?
We find Chloe all over the house in the morning a lot. Usually in her brother's room, but she must have felt like the Elf and super hero's were good company.
A little bit later
Mason was in the toyroom and started yelling for me. I found him stuck under his horse
He flipped it over and got himself unstuck right after I took the first picture
Gavin got "stuck" like Mason and wanted me to take a picture of him
Another game of doggy pile. This time on Gavin instead of daddy
Chloe after her nap
This is why I usually don't do her hair until after her nap if we are going somewhere
We got home from my parents and I looked in the back seat when we got home and was overcome with gratitude. These kiddos can be so exhausting sometimes, but they are worth it. I also love how their personalities show even when the are sleeping. Chloe is still packing around the water bottle that Grandma Blakely gave her, Mason has his coat on backwards so he can put his hood on his face and walk around "bwind" and this is Gavin's typical Sleeping in the car pose. Head back and mouth wide open! Even Foster still had his plastic sword in his hand. Love these guys!
Gavin and Daddy
Like I said, Chloe has been dressing herself
It has been FREEZING around here so we decided to take advantage of it and made some ice ornaments.
Gavin was at school but Mason, Chloe, Foster and I looked outside (quickly because it was so cold) for stuff. We found some pine cones, leaves and other tree parts. We also used some of the orange peels from our lunch for color and the kids wanted to add popcorn. We put them in the bottom of a muffin tin, added the string, put the water in them and then put them in the freezer. They were so impatient waiting for them to freeze, but so excited when I took them out of the freezer. I hung them up outside the front window so they could see them.
Mason told me, "I have a baby boy in my bewwy like Aunt Kawen."
Chloe's nickname for the day was "butt crack Betty". Her pants wouldn't stay up so every time she sat down her pants would pull her undies down
Gavin did his own hair. He spikes it up in the middle to give himself a Mohawk and then combs the sides forward. I just laugh inside and tell him how handsome he is.
The MMSC Christmas party was at Fat Cats in Rexburg this year. We ate pizza, played games and then bowled. I put a bowling ball in my shirt to mimick Raini who is really pregnant. Also the guy apparently couldn't read my handwriting because when he put our names on the screen I went from Teri to Tom and Raini ended up being Reuni. We had a good time with that. We ended the night with a good game of "Ballerium" ( I think that is what it was called). My gun wasn't working very well so I was just rounding up balls for the other girls and then throwing the rest at the boys by hand. It was fun, but exhausting. We were all glad to go outside into the cold after that game.
I helped out with Gavin's class Christmas party. They had a Christmas story read to them, played life size Candyland, they made snowflakes (the blue one on the left of his desk) and then I had them make snowman ornaments for their trees (also on his desk). They were so wild and wound up because of the excitement of Christmas.
I told the kids that they should go through their toys and find some to give to other boys and girls who don't have toys and then I jumped in the shower. I heard some banging and clanging going on but just wanted to hurry and get showered and besides I had the baby gate up so they couldn't get out of the toy room so what could possible go wrong? Apparently I took too long because by the time I got out and dressed I opened the door and this is what I found. Every single toy from the toy room was in the hall. I couldn't even get out. I had to shimmy up the door jam, step on the laundry hamper and jump over the rest of them.
I sent this picture to Cody
and then this one with the caption:
"Great news, the kids cleaned the toy room"

One day I"m going to compile a book and it's going to be called
"The Naughty things my kids do while I am in the Shower"
Chloe with her wild static hair at the Dr. Her and Mason both have nasty coughs and they both have ear infections but only in their right ear and I found out today that Grandpa Blakely also has an ear infection in his right ear. Let's blame it on him ; )

1 comment:

Jessie said...

These Life of Fry are the best updates. Thanks for finding the humor in the tough stuff. :) It makes me laugh.