Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Landscaping

For a couple of years now we have been dealing with our sewer line. The roots of our pine tree, but mostly the roots our neighbors five cottonwood trees have been growing into. We have been having it roto rooted about once a year, but it was getting more and more frequent. We finally paid the extra $155 to send a camera down there again and it wasn't good news. The roots were to big for their little machines to cut up without ruining our line. We new this day would come, but we were hoping it wouldn't be until the spring.

And so the re-landscaping begins...
Blake and Cody
Gavin, Chloe, Foster and Mason
The kids didn't move from the couch
Sayger, Gavin, Chloe, Foster and Mason
A couple of hours later this was the view from my front door and on the left is what is left of my front porch. We are rednecking it now and have a pallet for a front porch until spring when we will pour a new front porch and hopefully a back patio.


1 comment:

Jessie said...

Ugh! What a mess. Hope your new front porch rocks the socks off your old one, you know, to make the trouble all worth it.