Sunday, December 29, 2013


This year for our ward Christmas party our friend Shane was the lucky one that got to be Santa. Cody gladly handed over his Santa suit and then nicknamed him Shane-a-Claus. 
When Santa walked into the gym Mason ran to him and hugged his leg and started talking away. Chloe on the other hand took one look at him and ran to me and clung to my leg and wanted me to pick her up. 
Foster was the very first one in line to see him and was already off his lap and showing me his bag of goodies from Santa before I even got my phone out for pictures. 
Mason telling Santa he wanted a BIG dump truck full of suckers
P.S. Mason LOVES these hand me down red boots from his Aunt Hollie and wears them EVERYWHERE
 Gavin explaining to Santa what Skylanders Swapforce is.
 Santa's Little Elves (aka his twins) Paige and Tyler also sat on Santa's lap and gave him a list of things that they want for Christmas. It was so cute to see.
 This is Steve. Steve is over 7 feet tall and sitting on Santa's lap which proves you are never to old or too big to tell Santa what you want for Christmas.

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