Thursday, December 5, 2013


Getting our own Christmas Tree
 The official permit
 We knew there was going to be some snow, but we were surprised by how much
 Look at those two, so cute!
 I hope they continue to be this sweet to each other
 I'm in my almost knee high Sorels! That's how deep it was off road
 I have to admit we came ill prepared. There was no snow in the valley and I knew there would be snow in the mountains, but I didn't realize it would be so much. Gavin didn't have boots on and I forgot the kids hats and gloves. We ususally bring our sled and we forgot about it because we were making sure we had the chainsaw ready to go and we made the mistake of giving kids drinks on the way up so they all had to go potty in the snow. Chloe had to drop her drawers THREE different times to go potty. 
The snow was getting to be too much for the kids to walk in so Cody and I went in front and smashed it down for the kids. We would have them stay on our trail while we would go look off the "trail" for a tree. Foster would not listen and kept trying to follow us and he fell face first into the snow, the kind that sticks to your skin and freezes it. We stayed where the kids could see us, but he still would follow us. 
 One of the contenders! ; )
 Bunny tracks
 Nothing screams I'm a man like a chainsaw
 Cody, our tree and the Littles
 Me, our tree and the Littles

Don't let the smiles fool you. After about the first 20 minutes it was miserable. The kids were cold, tired (it was nap time) and crying. Gavin wouldn't zip his coat up even though he was cold.  The parents were tired of the whining and crying and worn our from packing kids, a chainsaw and a tree up and down hills and tired of pulling pants up and down so the kids could pee for the 100th time. 
Cody said next year we are either buying a tree or going by ourselves. It's all about the memories right? LOL!

And now I present to you, the Frywald Family Christmas Tree!
It really relaxed once we got it home and in the house so it looks huge!

The Countdown to Christmas
 We have been doing this one for quite a while. Instead of moving the Christmas Tree from day to day I added little candy canes and we take turns getting to eat the candy cane.
This year we are adding to it. I found a list of scripture verses to read every night so I added them to the candy canes. 

Elf on the Shelf  
There has been a lot of controversy this year with the Elf on the Shelf. People are saying it's creepy because there is an Elf spying on your family, doing naughty things while telling your kids to do good things, complaining because it has nothing to do with Christmas and that it's just one more thing to add to a mom's to do list. 

My Elf is not creepy, he's cute, it takes less than a minute to put him in  a new spot every night, my kids love it and I don't really care what other people think. We like it so we are going to keep doing it. Santa has nothing to do with Christ either, but people aren't complaining about him. Sometimes I hate social media because the majority of it seems to be so negative. (wow! That totally ended up being a rant! Sorry)

Here are some things are Elf has been up to since he got here. 
  He had a note from Santa reminding the kids to be good this year.
 Trying to hitch a ride with Gavin to school
  He made his own bed in front of the tree
Trying to pass himself off as a snowman

Other Traditions:

We drive around looking at Christmas lights and eating goodies with the kids. Their favorite are the houses that have the lights to music. We are lucky enough to have two of those types of houses around. 

We watch Christmas movies and read Christmas stories throughout the month.

The kids get to open one present on Christmas Eve which is always pajamas and a new Christmas book. We have them get in their new pajamas and then we read the new Christmas story to them.

Cody reads the Christmas Story out of Luke in the Bible and then we set out cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. 

What are some of your traditions?  



Jessie said...

This is making me SUPER excited for Christmas! Isn't it fun to play out those traditions and create new ones too?!

Bonnie said...

I just love your Blog! I enjoy all your smiles ! this hugs my grama heart! ♥ love you guys so much!