Thursday, December 5, 2013

Santa and his Reindeer

We braved the 10 degree weather to stand in line to see Santa and his Reindeer. Had the kids not been so excited about going and asking me about it everyday for a week we would have skipped it.
 Luckily there was a lot of ice to entertain the boys while we waited in line.

 My lens fogged up from my hot cocoa in my hand
 Free hot cocoa and rolls from Texas Roadhouse kept us warm while we waited.
 It was a lot warmer once we were inside the tent. The boys jumped right on Santa's lap but Chloe wanted NOTHING to do with him or the Reindeer.
 The reindeer were the boys favorite part. We were there for another 10 minutes after we visited with Santa so they could watch and talk to the reindeer
 The one of the left was a Uni-Horn ; )

1 comment:

The Cawley's said...

Texas Roadhouse rolls? Why didn't you tell me about that part when you texted me? That MIGHT have convinced me to come!