Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Adventures of Flu Shots

I picked Gavin up from school and we headed to the Pediatrician to get flu shots. I waited until after school to tell Gavin so he didn't worry about it all day. He wasn't very happy with me when I told him about it. He had a flu shot last year and did great, he didn't even cry. forward one year...

All five of us make it to the room and the nurse comes in with the syringes. They like to do oldest to youngest which totally makes sense, usually. 

Gavin was up first. Last year he had it in his arm, but this year they wanted to do it in his leg. I asked if we could do his arm, but the nurse insisted on the leg. So my very shy 6 year old had to pull his pants down in front of not only me and his three siblings, but the nurse as well. 

Thinking about flu shot = unhappy six year old
Thinking about flu shot + pants down = very unhappy six year old
Actual flu shot = meltdown mayheim

After the shot he went crazy. Gavin is my drama boy when he is hurt. He will scream and cry louder than any of my other kids. If he gets a paper cut you might as well cut his leg off because he is going to have the same reaction. Sometimes, who am I kidding, most of the time I have a hard time consoling him when he is acting like that because he is such an over dramatic kid.

Gavin is now on the bench being dramatic and it's Mason's turn. In the mean time Foster keeps repeating "I want one" "I want one", not knowing what it really is, just that he wants one. Even though he just saw Gavin's reaction he still wants one. 

Mason cried for a minute, but was done as soon and I got his pants pulled back up and gave him a hug.

Chloe is taking after her big brother. I swear she started crying before she even got her shot and continued to cry dramatically so I put her on the bench next to Gavin to snap a few photos for future posterity.

The plan was to let them calm down before we walked past all the other rooms and out through the waiting room, but they weren't stopping anytime soon so we just left making quite the scene. I have two crying kids, one that wants to look at the fish instead of following me to the car and the fourth one still repeating "I want one, I want one".

Chloe stopped crying once I had her buckled in the van but the constant wailing in the back seat continued. Once we got home I got the little boys out and then Chloe who immediately started crying once I put her down because her leg hurt. I left her there while I pulled and carried Gavin out of the van and into the house. I put him on the couch and went back outside to bring Chloe in because she could no longer walk. 

Chloe finally stopped once I got her in the house and onto the couch, but Gavin continued. I finally started bribing him because I was tired of the dramatics. As soon as I asked him if he wanted to ride his 4 wheeler he stopped crying and walked out to the garage...go figure!

That night Chelsea came and kidnapped me for some much needed time away. It involved some Retail Therapy followed by a movie. We had family pictures coming up so I bought a few things for those so we all were coordinating and then we went to Captain Phillips which is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. It was pretty intense and (possible spoiler alert) I find it absolutely crazy that they were expected to fight pirates off with fire hoses!! Completely crazy! Speaking of crazy, it is still so weird to me that pirates even exist, didn't they go extinct shortly after the dinosaurs did? ; )

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