Saturday, November 23, 2013

Halloween Festivities

School Carnival

Cody and I opted to leave the triplets home and not try and drag them through all the craziness of an elementary school carnival. He stayed home with them since he is not a fan of big crowds. We picked up my nephew Lukas so Gavin had someone besides boring mom to hang out with. 
They literally played every game there, some of them twice, had their faces painted, went through the spook alley, made spiders out of apples, ate food (Gavin at his nachos and then most of my pizza) and lots of candy. On the way home both of the boys were singing their little hearts out to Katy Perry "Firework". It was so cute. They made me laugh and made my heart happy : )
 Face Painting

 Spider Apples
 My hands and heart was full all night

Taiya's Spook Alley Halloween Birthday Party

Taiya my niece loves Halloween and every year for her birthday party they turn their basement into a spook alley and have a Halloweenish birthday party. This was also the first day we had Foster so he got to meet the family all dressed up.
 Mason the Lion (Scar to be exact due to his stitches)
Chloe the Bumblebee
Foster as Buzz Lightyear
Gavin as Superman
 Scar, Bumblebee and Superman
 Loving the leaves!
 The "monsters" from the spook alley
Luke, Cody, Eric and Jason

I love these next pictures. We tried to take a group picture, but the kids wanted to play, but the more pictures we took, the more kids started showing up

 It still wasn't all of us
 Cody and I 
I had pack meeting so was late for the party. I stopped at home real quick and threw on a police costume and this wig. Not sure what I'm really suppose to be, but whatever.

Trunk or Treat
 Foster as Buzz Lightyear
Gavin as a Ninja
Mason as a Lion
Chloe as a Witch
 The kids did a few costume changes throughout the week
She made those antlers herself, so creative
(son of Chels)
This little dude talks jibberish to me and I love it! 
My boys at the Trunk or Treat
Did I mention that Foster is a nose picker? He is. He picks it all the time and then he eats it!! It's so disgusting!!

 Keller Williams

Garth invited us to trick or treat at his office the Friday before Halloween. The way the text read it sounded like the trick or treating was that night so we dressed the kids up and went to their wasn't that night. It was pretty embarrassing, but we had a Trunk or Treat to go to later and I had a homemade apple pie for Garth (it was his birthday) so we pretended that we dressed the kids up for that and knew it was next week. Luckily for Cody, this was the day that Garth and Nancy had their car their so Cody and I got to go cruise in it while they watched the kids. 

We went to Keller Williams on the right night (Halloween, makes so much more sense now) and it was awesome. It was two stories of indoor goodness. They had it decorated, people we in full costumes and they handed out tons of candy, the good kind. That's my kind of trick or treating!


I even had my own personal assistant to help with the kids. Mason held Garth's hand almost the entire time.
 This office had one of those bowls that had a hand in it that pops up. Foster stared at it for awhile and once he decided to get some candy it startled him so much he dropped his bag and ran. Then he wouldn't even go back to get his bag. He asked Gavin to get it for him.

Mary Poppins
 The kids bag after Keller Williams. No need to go any where else. 

Gavin: An apple? How did I get an apple?
Me: Garth put it in there for you
Gavin: Whoa he's sneaky. I didn't even see him put it in there.

 I wore this to take Gavin to school and had creepy Halloween music playing in the van. He loved it and I love that he loved it!
 Dr. Hansen and his office staff dressed as "Duck Dynasty'. Every year they have a theme. 
Tracy, Jolene, Dwayne, Stefanie
My niece Savannah and her hubby Eric had a "reveal" party on Halloween too and we found out they are having a baby girl. They are going to name her Paislee
 Aunt Sadie's Trunk or Treat
Gavin was Dan from Bakugan tonight
 Destiny, Papa Moose, Foster, Mason, Chloe and Gavin
 Grandma Blakely, Gavin, Foster, Mason and Chloe
 Look at all that candy!!

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