Saturday, November 23, 2013

Catching Fire Premier

Chelsea LOVES premiers and makes sure that the rest of us have a good time too. She bought us all tickets and matching shirts, that she designed herself, the beginning of October. The day of the premier her and Nikkie were at the theater in below freezing temperatures to make sure that we had good seats.
 I stopped by after taking Gavin to school and found them in the tent drinking hot cocoa and putting hand and foot warmers in their gloves and boots
Chelsea showing off her home for the day
 All 17 of us!
Front Row: Tammy, Nikkie, Chelsea, Rachel, Gina and Ashely
Back row: Lindsey, Jessica, me, Heather, Rhonda, Jamie, Liz, Jenni, Melanie, Dezi, Cassie and Amanda
 Being silly
 Nikkie, Chelsea, myself and Rhonda
 Ashely, Melanie, Jessica, Tammy, Rhonda and myself
Back: Gina and Nikkie
 Tammy, Ashley, Melanie
 Rhonda, Rachel and I
Jennie, Heather and Liz

It was a double feature. We watched Hunger Games at 5:15pm, had a 25 minute break and then Catching Fire started at 8pm. After the show the majority of us, 13 of the 17, went to Shari's for dinner. When we were all ready to go we found out that all of our food was paid for by a couple of men that were there the same time we were. They even covered the tip, for 13 of us, we couldn't believe it. We have a lot of paying it forward to do now! Thank you mystery men!

P.S. A few of these pictures were stolen borrowed from Nikkie and Chelsea's Facebook pages ; )


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