Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Reed's Dairy Fieldtrip

I went on Gavin field trip to Reed's Dairy with him today.  He saved me a seat next to him in the bus and was texting his daddy the entire time on my phone. We ate at Esquire Park before hand and it was sooo cold and over cast, but was getting warmer by the time we got to Reed's Dairy and we were shedding jackets by the time we left. 
We all got Reed's Dairy ice cream, got to pet some animals as well as go on a tour to the dairy which included watching the cows getting milked.  We were also able see two baby calves that were born today. One at 6am and one about an hour before we got there but it was already clean, dry and walking by itself. So crazy!
 Our very first cow selfie!!
 He walked around like this the majority of the tour. It was cracking me up.
 I remember as a kid putting my hand in the baby calves mouths and they would just start sucking away on them. It tickled more than it hurt and when you would pull your hand out it would be all sticky/slimy with saliva, but we kept going back for more.
Watching the cows getting milked.  

May 16, 2016

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