Saturday, June 7, 2014

Mommy/Daughter Date

Chloe and I left the boys at home to go to my nieces dance recital at the Civic Auditorium.
She wanted to sit by Grandma and Grandpa, then Aunt Karen and then by Madi so I didn't get much one on one time with the little stinker, but she did love watching the girls dance.
Afterwards we (Chloe and I, Karen and Madi, Grandma and Grandpa, Kenny, Mandi and their kids) went to Applebee's for dinner. I left my phone in the van so I had my sister text Cody so he knew where we were. This is what she sent:
His only response to me "drinkin it up" and "dancing up on some hot dudes" was "Great". I guess I can get away with a lot more than I thought I could, or he's just figured out that my sister and I are full of it.
Chloe and I at Applebee's. We didn't get home until after 11 pm
This was her the next morning at 10 am, sleeping with her "hippoBapotamus". She took her regular afternoon nap too.

May 14, 2014

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