Saturday, June 7, 2014

Field Trip(s)

Gavin has had a BAZILLION field trips this month. It seems like everyday he was bringing home a flyer from school talking about another one. 

May 14 - Freeman Park/ISU:
They went to Freeman Park to eat their picnic lunches and then walked over to ISU to the chemistry department where they started desks on fire, shot rockets off and "changed to color of water". He had so much fun.

May 15- Reed's Dairy:
They went to the local dairy and looked at all the baby animals: calves, geese, foals, piglets and ducklings and they finished it off with ice cream cones
May 28- Aquatic Center/Kate Curley: 
They went swimming for a couple of  hours and then walked a few blocks to Kate Curley park where they ate their picnic lunches and then played on all the toys

May 29- Paramount Theater:
They went to the movie "Bears"
It was about a mama bear named "Sky" who had two baby cubs, one named Scout and one named Amber. There was another bear named Magnus and "he was the strongest bear in the whole world and another bear that was almost the same strength as him and his name was Chinouck"
May 30- Tautphus Park Zoo/ Sandy Downs:
 They got so see all the animals except the monkeys. His favorite was the "blind duck". He said it was blind because it had "white eyes". They ate their lunch at Tautphus Park and then they went to Sandy Downs to play in the sand.

June 3 - Camping Day - 
They took a pillow, blanket and flashlight to school for a camping day. They used the blankets to put over their desks to make tents where they used their flashlights to read books in their tents. They went outside for a scavenger hunt and told scary stories around the campfire and then roasted smores.

I went with Gavin to the Aquatic Center. He played with this smiley face ball almost the entire time.

Chelsea and I ate lunch with these crazy kids: Kyandra, Gabe, Gavin and Porter. 
Gavin and I
He wore his coat all afternoon even though it was a warm sunny day
On the way to meet the kids Chelsea and I drove past this dead squirrel and I was laughing so hard because of how it was laying in the road. We couldn't help but pull over and get a picture of the poor thing.
Then of course we had to get a picture WITH it!! Good times.
Chelsea and I on our hot date to the kids field trip. This girl is moving away this summer and I am sooo sad. I can't even think about it without tearing up. : (

May 28, 2014

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