Sunday, June 8, 2014

Field Day

This picture says it all!!!
He had a BLAST on field day. They had a dunk tank and they all got a chance to throw the ball to dunk the principal, they played with a parachute, a huge soccer ball, played spray bottle tag, Paper Rock Scissors baseball and did an obstacle course (that's what I helped with). At the end of the day an ambulance and firetruck showed up and they cooled the kids off by hosing them down. I even got wet from where I was standing!!
The kids were running and yelling and laughing. You couldn't help by smile, they were all having such a great time.
Gavin in the beginning when he was just a little bit wet. He kept going back for more.

Soaking wet, but he kept going back. Towards the end most of the kids had fizzled out, but not Gavin. He was there until the very end and was begging for more when they were done.

Look at the smile on his face : )
Two of my previous scouts came to show me how wet they were and I got lots of really wet hugs

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