Tuesday, October 22, 2013

First Stitches

Due to the graphic nature of this post Parental Guidance is advised!
 Rated: CM (Crappy Mom)-13 for blood, ouchiness and stupidity

I woke the kids up from their naps so we could go get Gavin from school. Chloe took FOREVER to waddle her little butt up the stairs (she kept stopping to look at me and giggle at what I will never know) so we were running a little late. Gavin's school is in the neighborhood a few blocks from our house so sometimes I don't buckle the kids in the van and this was one of those times (stupidity). 

Because we were running late there were already kids on their way home and a boy on a bike who cut right in front of me in the middle of the road and not at the crosswalk (more stupidity).  I hit the brakes to avoid hitting him and his bike. Mason who was standing between the two captain seats in the back flew head first into my center console and immediately started bleeding. Head wounds no matter how small are the worst for bleeding! I grabbed a napkin out of the glove compartment and put pressure on it. I snuggled him and checked him out and then I put him in the front seat next to me so that I could drive with one hand and hold pressure with the other to slow the bleeding.

Gavin was waiting for us when we got there. I got the bleeding somewhat controlled and got all the kids buckled in their seats and had Mason hold the third napkin on his head and we drove to Urgent Care (the closest place) who then sent me to the emergency room because of the severity of it.

 In the meantime I frazzled because my son has a huge gash on his head because of me and my husband whom I've called multiple times to tell him what is going on won't answer his phone! Uggh! We are headed to the ER completely unpresentable. Mason didn't have shoes or socks on, Chloe only had socks on and her shirt was on backwards because she dressed herself and I was still in my workout clothes from Zumba so I looked and smelled wonderful!
Here it is. He was so tough. 
He only cried for a minute right after it happened.
He was excited because they gave him a bear that he got to keep AND he got to watch cartoons.
He was more upset that he had to wear his name band than anything else
During, yes during, his stitches. He didn't even cry. He was so brave so we had to take a picture so show daddy what a trooper he was.
Mason once we were home. Brownie on his face, blood on his shirt and a band-aid on his ouchie.
I didn't even notice the abrasion on the side of his head until the other nurse pointed it out in the ER.
Mason this morning with his 9 stitches and swollen eye.

Needless to say when we took Gavin to school this morning all 3 kids were buckled!


Jessie said...

Poor kid! And a toughie too! But I think he'll be super proud of his scar.

Sally said...

Oh I HATE those mommy moments. But no matter what, remember what an AWESOME mom you ARE!! Stupidity just reminds us we are human.

Angela said...

Wow, Teri, that's awful! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Just remember that Mason wasn't as traumatized by it as you, and it's gonna give him a cool scar that he can impress people with in the future. So, really, it's a win in the end! You're an awesome mom. Don't beat yourself up too much, hon. Love ya!