Monday, October 14, 2013


You know it's fall when you week involves picking the pumpkins from the garden, raking leaves and Halloween parties!
These are the pumpkins from our garden. I'm pretty sure they would have been a lot bigger if I would have left the plant alone but the kids were still excited.
We ended up with 7 of them (one is behind Chloe). One for each of us, one for Coco the dog and one for the scarecrow by the door (according to the kids)
The kids were so excited that the leaves are falling so they can play in them. Me? Not so excited because I know it just means lots of raking, black garbage bags full of leaves and blisters on my hands.
But these faces and giggles make me temporarily like all the leaves in my yard.

It was Kayla's turn to host dinner group and she turned it into a Halloween party with lots of ghoulish food, costumes, Halloween movies and games. It was a great idea and we all had fun : )

Kayla and Corey
Steve, Katie, Scarlette and Elsie
Blake and Jessica

1 comment:

The Cawley's said...

Dude- you should have grown extra pumpkins for me! Madi keeps asking when we are getting some- I guess we'll be making a trip down the road to the neighbors soon!