Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Life of Fry

This little girl is officially a panty wearing girl!!
I am so excited to be diaper free at our house.
Daddy got Mason a truck balloon on his date night, Mason absolutely loves balloons, candy and monster trucks right now.
The kids playing at Grandpa Butikofer's. Look in the cupboard behind the red barn.
It's Brigham and Bailee
Mason found some new glasses
Mason learned the hard way that his hand is not a ball and does not fit in the Busy Ball Bopper! Luckily it came out fairly easily.
This was my house one morning!!
Megan, Chloe, Bailee and Brigham (all 2 years old)
Madisen and Mason (3 years old)
For Spirit Day at School the kids dressed up as super heros
Gavin was Superman for the day
So Sweet! These are the moments that I LOVE being a mom!
Garet in Grandpa Butikofer's hat headed to a Luke Bryan concert
Chloe being a good mommy
Gavin thought he was invisible because he was covered in bubbles

I found some fun ring pops
I bottled pears for the first and probably the last time. I spent approximately 6 hours peeling, cutting, etc and got 6 quarts. Granted they were small pears, but I don't think I will be doing that again, at least not for a long time.
We found some salamanders in my parents crawl space when Cody went down there to check the ducting. Gavin and Brigham played with them for until it was time to put them back.
Gavin had to have a couple of teeth pulled because his new ones needed more room to grow. He was excited for the Tooth Fairy to come and I was excited because it's hard for him to chew his nails now!
Keylee and Chloe
After baths I sent Gavin to his room to get his pajamas on. I found him later reading about colossal squid with his little butt cheeks hanging out the bottom of the towel
We got a new-to-us table and Gavin was helping daddy put it together

I taught Brigham and Bailee how to play Hungry Hungry Hippos and they loved it. All four of them sat and played it for a lot longer than I thought they would.
Chloe got a Princess Plate about a week ago and she has yet to actually eat on it, instead she sleeps with it and packs it around every where.
 Gavin has a new trick

 "On Day 3 Heavenly Father created the land and waters, and created grass, flowers, trees, fruit and herbs. My favorite part of the creation is tornadoes trees." This was Gavin's part for the Primary Program. He wanted to say tornadoes (it was a blank line for the kids to put whatever they wanted) but he had to change it to trees. 

We were at CAL Ranch getting my dad a new leather belt for his birthday. I made all the kids go potty before we left the house and as soon as we walked in the door Gavin had to go potty again. So much for avoiding the public restrooms. I took him to the bathroom and asked Mason and Chloe if they had to go again. Typically I would just make them go to be sure, but we had just went. We found a belt and were looking at Hotwheels with Gavin when Chloe started crying. She had her hands between her legs and then it came. She had peed and I'm not talking a little, there was a ton. It filled the seat of the cart and then all dripped down through the cart and left a big yellow puddle all over the floor. SERIOUSLY!! She just went potty at home and she just told me she didn't have to go less than 10 minutes ago. Arrgh!!  I'm not going to lie, I thought about just walking away and going straight to the van but instead I went to the counter and asked for paper towels and a bag. The looks on their faces were priceless, you would think I had just handed them a ransom note and a money bag. I got the mess cleaned up, returned the items I borrowed, paid for your stuff and then let them know that I cleaned the cart off  the best I could but it was going to need to be sanitized and sorry.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

These posts crack me up!