Friday, October 26, 2012

Crofts Beware!!!

The following is a re-enactment of text messaging between Cody and I:

Teri - Our front window looking out

Cody: What is that?

Teri - Around 200 Croft family Christmas cards from last year

Cody- Holy crap they started a fire they are not going to be able to fight

Teri- I know! So excited, can't wait to get them back!!

Cody- They have no idea!

Dear Crofts: 

Consider this your warning!!! Bwahahahaha


The Fry's : )

1 comment:

stevie kay said...

Well obviously I donated the supplies, but that SO doesn't mean I had anything to do with the rest of it. In fact, given that it's my parent's card, maybe it was them. I guess you'll just never know!