Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Appy Sue eee

Appysueee? Chloe started saying this a few weeks ago and then Mason joined in with her. They would just randomly say it. I couldn't figure out what it was. I thought at first it was apple sauce or apple juice but she can say all of those words nice and clear. I just quit worrying about it and laughed and/or said it back to them when they would say it. Chloe would say it in her voice and then right after say it in a deep monstery (it's a word believe me look it up in "Teri's Dictionary of made-up words) voice. It was so funny!

Cody got home and it was driving him crazy that he didn't know what it was and he spent the entire week trying to figure it out too. It wasn't until the night before he left that he figured out that it meant "Happy Birthday". The mystery is finally figured out, but it was almost more fun not knowing. So Appysuee to anyone having a birthday today!
 We went to the Fire Department open house. Gavin, Luke and I crawled through the "smoky house", the kids got to see the fire trucks, climb in the ambulance, eat cookies, got coloring books and even got their very own fireman hats and badges.
 Chloe looks so BIG and grown up all of the sudden! I can't believe she is going to be 2 in just a few short months.
 Gavin loves to eat hot dog buns with ketchup and no hotdog. I have one word for that: NASTY!!
 Gavin trying to teach Chloe how to play his Leap pad
 Daddy spoiled the kids and make them CHOCOLATE pancakes with CHOCOLATE CHIPS!! Nothing like starting off the day with a huge sugar high!
 Chloe chilling with dad at the computer
 Giving daddy hugs
Mason and Chloe are always wearing everyone else's shoes, but are always taking their own off every chance they get! This time they got into Gavin's shoes.

Other Happenings:

We have needed a new front door for a while. When Cody was home last time our doorknob started acting up and you would have to sometimes jiggle it a little to get it open. He didn't have a chance to get a new one put in before he had to leave again.
After he left it got worse and worse. It took a lot of jiggling and pushing on the door to get it open and a few days before he got home it quit all together. I could not get the doorknob to budge, at all!! We couldn't even use the front door so anytime anyone would come over I would either have to talk to them through the front window (super rude and embarrassing) or meet them at the garage door and let them see my super big mess I have going on in there (embarrassing). Good thing it was mostly just friends and family that came by those few days.
I am happy to report that we now have a new door complete with a fully functional door knob! Who knew going out your front door could be so exciting!! We just need to finish up a little trim work on the outside of the door and we are done. : )

On a sad note our ward got split on Sunday. Everyone on the other side of the canal went to one ward and a few families just around the corner from us ended up into another ward. It was a sad day with lots of tears. Half of our Bishopric is gone, most of our Young Women's leaders and presidency, our awesome Primary Chorister and both of our amazing Sunday school teachers. It's going to be weird at church for quite a while until we get use to it. Good for the other wards, sad for us.

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