Tuesday, October 9, 2012

MoMmY uPdAtE

I just realized how long it's been since I've done a Mommy Update so here it goes!

Making his belly HUGE is one of his new favorite things! It makes us laugh so he does it over and over again

Loves french toast, mashed potatoes, the swing set, playing the Wii,  riding his bike and scooter and  we can't forget Katy Perry

He gave another talk in Primary. This one was about the 10 Commandments

He was in his second primary program. His line was "If I choose to touch fire I will get burned, that is a consequence." When he first got up to the microphone he took a deep breath into it (which made the congretation giggle) and then started talking. He said it loud and not to fast, it was perfect.

He loves to ride his scooter after it's dark because the wheels light up red and blue so he pretends to be a police car complete with the sound effects

He can't wait to "mow" the lawn every week because I let him turn the key to start the lawn mower

Everyday when I ask him what he did at school he tells me "I can't remember everyday, remember?" But he can tell me who he sat by, the color of his chair and repeat every song and story he heard. I'm pretty sure he just doesn't want to tell me.

He STILL wants a Tarantula and is asking Santa for one for Christmas and it's been over a month since he held one at the Fair. I was hoping he would forget because having a tarantula in my house is pretty creepy!

He is my Poky Little Puppy! He is never in a hurry to do anything so I have to wake him up an hour before school so he has time to get dressed, eat breakfast and brush his teeth. Bedtime is the same way so we have a deal now. If he can get his pajamas on and teeth brushed before I do the same thing to Mason and Chloe then he gets to stay up a little later and play a game with me. So far it's been helping!


 Mason wearing mommy's shoes

 We got the boys bunk beds a few months ago and he loves sharing a room with his brother and having a big boy bed and he actually stays in it and goes to sleep which makes mommy really happy!

He follows Gavin around like his little shadow and wants to do everything that Gavin does. He gets frustrated when he can't do it like big brother.

He also loves the swing set and likes to be outside. 

He loves Uncle Kenny and whenever we got to his work (Action Motor Sports) he begs for a "ride" on one of the many bikes, atv's etc.

He likes to take the dirty diapers to the garbage and has no interest what so ever in potty training (that's the one thing he doesn't want to do like big brother)

He still occassionally wants his "rag", "banket" and still sucks his thumb to go to sleep

He loves yogurt and pizza but will eat anything. He is on a "See Food" diet.

He is getting independent and says "I do it" all the time.

He calls Gavin "Brudder" (brother), Chloe "Goey" and donuts "no-nut"

Messy, Messy, Messy

She loves "Baby" which is any doll she can get her hands on and she likes to wrap them up in their blankets and carry them around. She even pats their backs while she is holding them.

She is getting a lot better about leaving her hair in, but still will not leave her shoes and socks on. Somehow she had figured out how to untie my double knots!

She is getting her top "I" teeth in

She talks more and more each day. She will say "ok" after you ask her to do something and when she is done with something she will hold it out to you and say "here" over and over and over again until you take it. 

She LOVES stories and brings me books all day long. I read here at least 10 books a day, on a slow book reading day.

She is always grabbing tissues and wipes and pretending to blow her nose

When she sees a monkey she says "Monkey Monkey Ah-Ah" It's so cute!!

She still asks for her "Mee-Mee" (binky) every night even though we haven't given it to her in months

She calls Cody "Dagen" instead of Daddy, it makes us laugh

Mason loves pushing the stroller around and Chloe loves being pushed so it works out perfect
Lucky for me they love to "Bush teef" (brush teeth) so it's not a battle everynight
Mason is always getting my oven mitts out of the drawer and wearing them. Chloe loves her monkey jammies and gets mad when I take them off of her to get her dressed.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Your kiddos sound like a riot! You sound like the greatest momma ever. And I looove fall time!!! Look at all those leaves and pumpkins.

And please don't ever be offended if I don't comment here very often anymore. I do read it! My arms are usually full with a little human being.