Sunday, November 4, 2012


Halloween 2012
Mason the lion, Chloe the Gnome and Gavin the Ninja
 The Crazy Cat Lady (Me) and my kiddos at my mom's house
 My warty witch fingers that I made
 I helped with Gavin's class Halloween Party. I was in charge of one of the games so I made (from scratch) a Frankenstein and then had is laminated. Then we blindfolded the kids and let them play Pin the Parts on Frankenstein. They didn't do to bad. Some of them even got pretty silly with it.
 Gavin with his groups silly Frankenstein
I made Gavin take a nap since we were going to be out late and this is how he woke up, GUM!! Luckily it wasn't in his hair. 
 This gnome costume is my nieces that we borrowed. She wore it a few years ago and I thought it was absolutely adorable and told her if I ever had a girl I was borrowing it!
 I couldn't get enough of Chloe in this costume!!
 One more of my adorable little gnome
 My Vampire Ninja
 My brother Paul aka Elvis with his twins
Bailee the Cow and Brigham the chicken

We Trick-or-Treated all the grandparents and great grandparents on Halloween night, it was exhausting getting all 3 kids in and out of the van and then of course redressing them after every stop because they would undress at every stop and in between stops Mason and Chloe kept taking their shoes off in the van and then throwing them where ever so it was a search for shoes at every stop. Not to mention trying to get them all rounded up and out of each house. I am so glad Trick-or-Treating is over!!

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