Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mason's Surgery

Super happy even though he had to wake up at 5:30 am. Poor guy didn't have a clue what was about to happen!
 Mason with one of Dave's infamous "balloons"

It took for what seemed like forever for him to wake up, but when he did he was nice and mellow (Thank you Jared!) We got him some apple juice and he drank almost half of right off, he was thirsty. He fell back asleep with holding it and I tried to take it from him to put it on the table but he had a death grip on it. 
Later we gave him some yogurt (he loves yogurt). I tried to help him and even in his drugged stupor he said "I do it"!! So I let him, but he had a hard time hitting his mouth  with the spoon and was getting yogurt on his face, neck, hands, blanket, etc. and then was mad cuz he was getting messy, but Raini (Thank you Raini!) kept us supplied with wet washcloth's etc. to clean up the mess. He was acting pretty silly and it was hard not to laugh a little. 
 Once in the van he wanted more yogurt so I opened it and gave it to him and he fell back asleep. I tried to take it from him, but once again he was using his death grip so I left it. Unfortunately when he woke up it spilled (after it had gotten warm and more liquidy). It was all over him, his blanket, his bear, the car seat and onto the van seat cover. Nothing a thousand wipes wouldn't clean up!
(For the record I did not know that my face was going to be in this picture when it was taken!)
I spent the entire day with Mason on my lap. He probably sat on my lap more then than he had in his entire life, he is a mover and rarely sits still. I gave him some pain meds at 2pm and that was it. By 5 pm he was up running around chasing Gavin like nothing even happened (except when I would change his diaper). He finally let me take his "sticker" (band-aid from IV) off his hand right before dinner.

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