Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Turkey Week

Gavin & Bud
Bud is really old, about  90 in dog years. Gavin drew a picture of him because "he wanted to remember him when he died." Even Gavin knows he is getting old. He can't even jump into the back of the truck to go play anymore without help. I took Gavin out to the back yard and we got a real picture of him and Bud.

 This is how my kitchen looks every time I bake. All three kids want to be right there "helping" me. My kitchen is super small to begin with so it gets pretty interesting trying to move around with 4 bodies and a chair!
 I made two BEAUTIFUL peach pies, my first ever and they turned out fantastic! Despite the fact that my first critic told me "this is terrible!" (Gavin) I wish I would have remembered to take a picture because seriously they were amazing: perfectly brown crust, the cinnamon and sugar evenly sprinkled on top, the edges looked like something out of a magazine! I'm not bragging I'm just really impressed with myself that I actually made them, by myself, and they turned out! I'm not much of a baker or cook.
We also went to Pie Night @ Schnieder's for the third year in a row. They invite a bunch of people over to have pie because after Thanksgiving dinner you just don't have room anymore so they do it the night before. Every one brings a pie and we sample them all. My favorite this year was a "Snow Pie", it looked just like snow (hence the name) and was so good. There were over 20 pies there and I don't think we had two of the same

 I have Thanksgiving pics for another post, but this is how Gavin dressed on Thursday. Winter hat and gloves, his favorite jacket and shorts. I have to pick my battles with this one!
 This was also Thursday morning. Chloe woke up with snot all over her face, her hair was even stuck in it. Super gross! I'm saving this one to show future dates.

 Gavin changed Chloe's diaper for me while I was in the shower. Not bad for his first time. He even got it on the right way!
 The diaper change must have worn Gavin out because after baths I sent him to his room to get dressed and this is how I found him. Naked and asleep on his floor.

Gavin and I decorated the house for Christmas. Cousins Madisen and Megan came over to play while Karen did some Christmas shopping. We cut out paper snowflakes and make sparkly snowflakes out of glitter and popsicle sticks. 
After Mason & Chloe were in bed Gavin was my date and we watched Arthur Christmas, just the two of us.

I seriously don't know why I bother going to sacrament meeting. I spend the entire time doing damage control with my kids! They always want what the other one has even if there are two identical items and they are very vocal about it! Thank goodness for a couple of my former young women who came and sat by me to help because it is so hard all by myself. I don't ever get to listen to any of the speakers so I have no idea what any of the talks have been about for the past year. I'm voting for nursery during sacrament meeting, who's with me? OK I'm done venting now I just had to get it out there. I go because even if my kids aren't listening we are there and that's what matters. 

I purged like crazy all day! Now that my kids are in the house all-the-time it seems that much smaller and I am seriously getting claustrophobic! I filled the back of my van with stuff for the DI, threw another 2 bags away and have a box of stuff for the Santa Store at Gavin's school. It feels so good to have at least a little more space and no clutter. 
I also made 10 freezer meals for a freezer meal swap I'm doing with my girlfriends and you should've seen the mess I made of my kitchen!! It was an enormous mess with every counter top covered in dirty dishes and mess!
I also fed my kids Icee's and pumpkin pie for dinner!! Yeah me!

 A Construction Knight??
"I was just pretending to be a bad guy stealing people's recipes" - Gavin


 I found Mason in his bed wide awake eating straight out of a box of Captain Crunch at 7am when I went in to wake Gavin up for school.

Chloe took the liberty of emptying the basket of FOLDED laundry in the boys room that I brought up to put away but was busy making french toast. 

And it's only 10am!!

1 comment:

The Cawley's said...

That post wore me out and I wasn't even there for the full duration! Kudos to you and your energy to keep up with your crazy kids! Atleast they are cute, right?! Ü