Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Indian Creek

This is Mason and Chloe's first time camping with us. Mason has been before, but I'm pretty sure this was Chloe's first ever camping trip. Look at that grin on Gavin's face, he was so happy to be here.
 Of course the first thing to get unloaded was the four wheeler and I have to tell on myself. I opened the tailgate, set the ramps up, started the four wheeler, put in it reverse, but I wasn't moving at all. The tires just kept spinning and I was so confused...then I realized I hadn't taken off the tie-downs!!! All Cody had to say was "Babe, I love you!!"
Gavin and Cody. Look at that view!! Mountains, green grass, fresh air!! Can you smell it?
I pulled out the bubbles to entertain the kids while Cody went for a ride and was giving rides. At one point all 5 of us (not recommended) all got on and went for a ride. I'm sure it was a hilarious site!!
Gavs and Daddy
Chloe decided a log was much more fun to ride
All the kiddo's on their chairs from G&G Blakely. Gavin's is a elephant, Mason's is a bear, and Chloe's is a bunny.
I'm never going to have to worry about Chloe going hungry because if there is food she will find it!!
Woo hoo!! Paul, Erin, Bailee and Brigham showed up and they brought the weather with them!!
We spent the rest of the night in each others campers trying to stay out of the rain. We had a canopy set up but it was still too cold to be outside and the wind was blowing the rain on us anyway.

All the kids, and me, had two pairs of pajama's on and we had the furnace in the camper on all night. During the night the wind blew our chairs over and the canopy into Paul & Erin's camper and broke it. We woke up to howling winds.
Friday morning trying to sit by a soggy fire to get warm. The remains of the canopy are in the background. Mason is mad because the rain was getting him in the face. As soon as it started snowing, I said "That was fun, can we go home now?" And we did. One of these years I'll catch on that this happens to us every Memorial Day weekend!!

The rest of my family came up Friday after we left and my sister said " It was a little breezy, sweatshirt weather and it did start raining Saturday afternoon and didn't stop until Sunday afternoon, but it really wasn't' bad at all." Let me just say she must be an optimist when it comes to weather! After I saw the picture of them all standing around the fire, in the rain, wearing coats I was sooo glad we came home. If you want to read about the rest of the weekend we skipped out on click here.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

I can't believe you went camping in that awful weather! Definitely an adventure for sure. I love their three little chairs. :)

Congrats on Preschool graduation!