Friday, January 31, 2014

My Surgery

UPDATE: This post was originally titled  "My 2+ weeks of H_LL!!" but I decided that was probably a little dramatic since I honestly barely remember much of the first week at all. If I hadn't made notes in my phone I probably wouldn't remember any of it.

For those of you who have been wondering where I have been for the past 2+ weeks this chair has been my home. The blanket to keep me warm, the towel to catch blood etc and the heat pack for my throat and ears. 
 My view to my left has been my trusty humidifier that has been keeping my nares and my throat nice and moist.
 The view to my right is my chair-turned-end-table that is the catch all for all of my much needed supplies.
 It morphed daily, depending on how I was feeling
 My Throat Coat Tea, my jello that I tried to eat, my water that I was always drinking, all of my meds, the book that I tried to read, the movies that I watched fell asleep during, my phone and the remotes.

This is the majority of what got me through two of the most miserable weeks of my life!!
Rice bag for heat
Ice pack for cold
Oscar Meyer Weiner whistle for beckoning help
Afrin Nose Spray
Survival Instructions from a friend
Tetracaine Sucker for numbing
Nasal Saline Rinse Kit
Numbing Throat Spray
Lidocaine Gel
Adlina's Witch Potion
Nasal Sling and Dressing
Barf Bags
Not Pictured: A very nurturing husband, neglected children and lots of friends and family to the rescue

Why did I need all this stuff you ask? Well let me tell you. I had strep throat SIX times last year, yep SIX! Of course most of the times fell on holidays, birthdays and special events.

1- January
2- March-during my niece's wedding/Easter
3-July-over the 4th of July holiday
4-October- during Cody's birthday
5-Novemer - over my birthday
6- December - during all the parties, etc. 

The rule of thumb is if you get strep more than 3 times/year the tonsils have to go. I FINALLY went to the ENT in October after having it four times, but didn't want to meet my deductible 2 months before the end of the year so I decided to wait until January to get them out. We also discovered during my exam that I had a deviated septum. My left nostril was over 90% occluded, hence the reason I can never breathe out of it. I decided since I was having my tonsils out anyway, why not have them both fixed at the same time and only have one recovery time. 

The problem with waiting is I got strep two more times AND I was tortured in the OR every Monday. I work with my ENT at the surgery center and I'm in the OR and I watch these surgeries. I see all the blood, I smell the burning flesh as its cauterized, I see him cutting chunks out of the noses, and roto rootering them and yes, even breaking noses to get them back to how they are suppose to be. I felt like Ebenezer Scrooge when he was getting visited by the Ghost of the  Future, this is what is to come!! I also take care of them in PACU (the recovery area) and know how it can be for them afterwards. With little kids, its a piece of cake, but tonsillectomies with adults are a whole other story, longer and harder recovery times. After having this done myself, I have a whole new view and lots of experience and advice for my future adult patients. 

Here's the run down (mostly for me to remember and be thankful it's over) of the past 2 weeks:

Day 1: I had it done at the surgery center where I work because I know and trust everyone there AND I also get 50% off, so why not. It was so WEIRD being the patient! I was the one getting the IV, getting interviewed by the nurse, anesthesia and the Dr. and I was the one getting all the drugs. 

I was given versed in Pre Op right before going to the OR. I remember kissing Cody and Debbie (my boss and RN in the OR) at the end of my bed and that's the last thing I remember. I don't remember being wheeled into the operating room, moving over to the surgical table or anything. I remember waking up in recovery to Cody and Paul (the anesthesia provider) talking. I remember Raini talking to me about my LMA and asking Cody if he got something to eat and that is pretty much all I remember from the surgery center.

Once I was home the Percocet make me sick to my stomach and I was throwing up (Let me tell you how much fun it is to be throwing up and having stomach acid in your throat that you just had surgery on!) so Cody called the Dr. and we got some Lortab in place of the Percocet and phenergan to help with the nausea. 

Kids: Chelsea had the kids until we got home and settled and then Cody went and got them
Food: Chelsea and Lindsay brought dinner, but I don't even remember them being at my house
Where did I sleep?: In the lazy boy in the living room

Day 2:  Cody was home sick with it coming out both ends so he spent the entire day on the couch only getting up to make sure I had what I needed. I slept most of the day, don't remember much.
My splints in my nose are starting to hurt today. 
Popsicles are too cold! I can't eat them, it feels terrible on my throat. 
Salt water gargles are saving my life!

Helpers: Adlina came over and helped bath the kids, read scriptures with them and said prayers.
Kids: Papa Moose had Mason and Chloe, Kat (my neighbor) took Gavin too and from school for me
Food: Ashely and Virgie brought dinner for the family. I'm living on water to stay hydrated, don't have much of an appetite.
Where did I sleep?: Lazy Boy in the living room

Day 3: Slept All Day
Hurting really bad today, took a steamy hot bath that really helped my throat and nose feel better. I ate food for the first time. I had a few bites of lasagna and a fruit salad while in the bathtub. 
Cody bumped my nose while kissing me goodnight and it hurt so bad it brought me to tears. My nose is swollen and the splints are really tight so any type of touching my nose hurts.

Kids: Aunt Sadie took them for the day, Kat got Gavin too and from school
Food: Maureen and Kayla
Where did I sleep? Lazy Boy

 Day 4: No more nasal sling and dressing! My nose has officially quit dripping blood so I don't have to wear it anymore. My ears started hurting today which is very common after tonsil surgery. The hot rice bag helps quite a bit. Can't eat ANYTHING!! Jello stings, popsicles are too cold. I was able to eat most of my jamba juice after I let it sit awhile and get warm. Warm throat coat tea is really feeling good on my throat. I'm sick of the nasal rinses already, I dread doing them because I feel like I'm drowning, but my nose feels so much better afterwards.

Mason had a bad dream last night and ended up in the chair with me, but during the night he flung his arm up right into my nose. It woke me right up and HURT SOOOO BAD!! He was asleep and didn't even realize he was doing it. OUCH!!

Helpers: Kayla brought me a jamba juice and massaged my foot for over an hour and gave me some company
Kids: Grandma Fry
Food: Adlina, she also brought me some "Witch Potion" for my ear pain. 
(A combination of basil, lavender, black pepper and frankincense mixed in almond oil)
Where did I sleep? Lazy Boy

 Day 5: I had my follow up appt with the ENT and was under no condition to drive. My dad drove me to my appt. They took out the splints which hurt pretty bad, but once they were gone I felt so much better. The pressure was gone and I didn't feel so congested. We went to McDonald's for breakfast afterwards and I tried to eat some cinnimelts, but couldn't do it. It hurt too bad to swallow them so I just painfully drank my chocolate milk. 
I spent all day sleeping/watching movies in the chair
It still hurts to talk to much and I'm losing my voice : (

Kids: Papa Moose
Food: Chloe asked who was bringing dinner tonight, haha. Daddy did. I don't even know or remember what they ate, but they did. I'm still living on throat coat tea and lots of water
Where did I sleep? Lazy Boy

Day 6: Terrible Day!! I was sooo hungry but it hurt to bad to eat anything. I wanted to go skinny dipping in a volcano of molten hot lava for relief. My uncle is a P.A. and he called me in some lidocaine. I gargled with it and tried to eat a little bit, but as soon as the lidocaine wore off my throat hurt that much worse from eating, no solid food for me! That's what I get for trying to spread out my doses of narcotics! I took my second bath for the week. Gross I know, but I was too drugged up and hurting to even care. I forgot to take my towel with me and had no voice to yell to Cody so I had to grab my soap dish and bang it on the side of my cast iron tub to get Cody's worked!

Kids: Cody is being dad AND mom today
Food: Water and Throat Coat Tea. We attempted a Jamba juice again today but failed!
Where did I sleep?Lazy Boy

 Day 7: Can't really talk. I'm communicating through text messaging and made up sign language. I stock my Bag of Goodness (all my drugs, supplies, etc) and Cody took me to my parents while he took the kids to church. Mom made me some soup (Bean and Bacon) and I was able to eat an entire bowl of it! My first "meal" since my surgery. : )

Helpers: I have been using Adlina's Witch Potion religiously, it helps sooo much!!
Kids: Cody (aka Mr. Mom)
Food: a bowl of bean and bacon soup
Where did I sleep? Lazy Boy

Day 8: I was scheduled to work today, but had a back up in case and I'm glad I did because there is no way I could've worked. I have no energy at all and I barely have a voice. I slept ALL DAY LONG. I don't remember much of last week at all, it's almost a complete blurr other than what I have written down. I don't even really remember the movies that I watched and I tried to read a book but the words wiggle all over the pages and won't hold still so I gave up.

Helpers: Adlina's Witch Potion
Kids:Papa Moose, he had Gavin too because there was no school
Food: Throat Coat tea and water
Where did I sleep? Lazy Boy

Day 9:  I had Mason and Chloe today but Mr. Disney (Jungle Book over and over and over) watched them for me. I managed to make french toast for breakfast and then I made two snack trays that I set out throughout the day for the kids to eat...I have no energy to cook real food.

Kids: Me and Mr. Walt Disney
Food: snack trays for the kids and Throat Coat tea and water for me. I have been attempting food here and there, but the pain is just not worth it. Plus I can't really taste it anyway. I know I need to eat, but I just can't get myself to do it
Where did I sleep?: Lazy Boy

Day 10: I took another bath today!! Woo hoo!! I bathed because I did not have the energy to stand in the shower and besides it feels sooo good to be soaking in a hot steamy bath. 

Kids: Me and Walt
Food: Michelle brought a huge delicious dinner and dessert and even plastic ware to eat it on so there were no dishes to do! I ate some jello jigglers and drank a Shakeology shake that a friend brought me to hopefully give me some energy.
Where did I sleep?: I tried to sleep in my own bed tonight but I just couldn't get in a comfortable position for my neck and I just felt like I couldn't breathe that well lying so flat, back to the Lazy Boy for me : (

Day 11: "This is the worst thing ever!!! Good thing I didn't know what was coming or I wouldn't have done it" - from my journal. 
I thought for sure that since I'm a nurse and I know what I'm doing and I'm being compliant and following ALL the Dr's directions that I could do this in 7-10 days and not be part of the 2 week recovery group...boy was I WRONG!!!

I can feel the SCABS in my throat and it is the most disgusting thing ever!! I can feel them flopping around in my throat. They tickle my throat when I breathe which makes me cough which sometimes makes me puke the non-existent food that I haven't been eating. I just want to reach my hand down my throat and scratch them all off. I even wondered briefly if my back scratcher would fit down my throat so I could scratch them off. I can see some of them if I open my mouth really wide and look in the mirror...disgusting!! Stupid little things anyway. 

I bathed again today, it wore me out. I wrapped in a towel and rested in the chair for about 30 min then got dressed. Rested for another 30 min and then did my hair and make up so I was somewhat presentable for Dinner Group. 

Helpers: Rotating between Ibuprofen and Tylenol. Still using Adlina's witch potion, It's amazing!!
Kids: Me and Walt (Beauty and the Beast, Alladin, The Incredibles)
Food: For breakfast I ate some soggy cheerios and I had refried beans and part of an enchilada for dinner. It felt so good to have food on my belly.
Where did I sleep?: Another failed attempt at sleeping in my own bed...maybe tomorrow night

Day 12: I am Dr. Q's only nurse and if I'm not there he can't do surgery. Luckily he only had 2 cases. By the time I got myself up and showered, got the kids up, dressed, loaded in the van and dropped off at the babysitters, I was spent and I wasn't even to work yet!! I went and got my IV's and medications ready, talked to my patients, started the IV's, did my charting and the rest of the time I sat in a chair and rested while everyone else did my job for me. It was the longest 2 hours!! I went home and slept ALL DAY LONG again.

Coughing, sneezing and especially yawning are absolutely EXCRUCIATING!! Yawning is the worst and it's not like you can really avoid it. Everything in your throat tightens up as it heals and every time I yawn it's essentially stretching everything back out, OUCH!!

I still don't have much energy. I weighed myself today and I'm 11 lbs lighter. That's a pound a day. No wonder I can't keep warm. This is a TERRIBLE weight loss plan. 
Kids: Me and Walt
Food: The kids ate the left over pancakes from breakfast and ate raisins while I slept in the chair. Poor things, they are NOT getting enough attention from their mommy!

Day 13- My house is a mess. Cody's keeping the dishes and laundry up, but a man just does't clean like a woman and my house is really starting to show it. Any other time it would drive me absolutely crazy, but I don't even care. Let it be messy, I don't want to deal with it, I don't have the energy to deal with it. 
I'm so sick of my house and being stuck in my recliner with the same's been 13 days that I have spent in that chair. We went to my parents so I could sit in their living room and have a different view and actually interact with someone. 

Kids: Grandma and Cody
Food: My mom made me some mashed potatoes and gravy that I shared with my niece Tayvri
Where did I sleep?: My own bed!!!

Day 14: I made it to church today. I showered this morning, rested and then finished getting ready. I can talk, but my voice is really soft and if I talk to much my throat really hurts. I wanted to go home after the first hour, who knew just sitting could be so exhausting. I just wanted to go home and sleep, but I toughed it out and stayed. I was just so cold and tired. I hate being cold. 

Kids: Cody
Food: I ate a baked potato that I pretty much had to smash to bits, tried some ham because it smelled sooo good, but it hurt to bad to swallow. I'm forcing myself to eat as much soft stuff as I can, my body needs the energy. 
Where did I sleep?: In my own bed!

Day 15: Was suppose to work, so much for that. I'm starting to feel better finally. I had a little more energy today. The kids got real meals, but still watched too much TV. I napped when the kids napped. 

Day 16: I know I'm getting better because it's really bugging me that my house isn't in good order right now. My sister came over with her kids. I made them lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon rocking in the recliner snuggling my nephew. She just had a baby via C-section and is doing substantially better than me and all I had was a lousy tonsillectomy and septoplasty!!

My throat still hurts but I'm functioning. Citrus and chocolate are completely off limits, they BURN my throat if I try to eat them. I'm very selective about what I eat. Only soft and blands foods which is extra bland because I still can't taste much. I'm still only drinking water and/or Throat Coat Tea. 

Day 17: FINALLY feeling so much better. I had enough energy to get myself and the kids ready, help in Gavin's classroom, get the desserts ready for the Relief Society Activity, go to my ENT appt (where I found out that everything it healing just the way it's suppose to, just slower than most people. I still have quite a bit of inflammation that should be gone by now, but it's not, lucky me), deal with a flat tire on my van and 9 eight year old rowdy scouts for an hour!

Day 18: Other than my voice still being a little off I can say I am recovered....18 days later. I went to work today and it was GREAT to be back. I got a decadron shot to help with the inflammation and within an hour my throat felt great and I was able to eat an entire "normal " meal!! Life is good again!!

P.S. This is what Chloe's hair looked like pretty much the entire time!

-I was asked how much weight I lost, 13 POUNDS!! Pretty much a pound a day until I was actually able to eat "normal" food. Luckily I have only gained one of those pounds back : )
-I keep finding out more and more about my time at the surgery center and my first week afterwards. I keep asking all kinds of questions and the answers surprise me, I really was out of it. I guess I kind of have an idea of how people who just came out of a coma feel. All this stuff happened and you missed all of it, but in my case people mostly thought I was with it and can't believe I don't remember. 
-Cody was awesome. He wrote down who brought what food and what dishes the food was brought in so that we could get the dishes returned and so I could write "Thank You's". What man thinks of that? Seriously! Or maybe I told him too but don't remember. Mmmm....


1 comment:

Jessie said...

So you forgot to mention how much weight you lost!? That sounds like the most miserable way to start the new year. I'm glad you're finally feeling better. Hopefully you were miserable enough that you can avoid any illness for YEARS. You deserve it.