Friday, January 3, 2014


This kid never stops amazing/surprising me. He is so smart and sometimes thinks of stuff that I haven't even thought of and says things that will just blow your mind. (I wish I could claim the smart genetics on this one). He is also very particular and once he has his mind set on something, there is no changing it. 

Because of Christmas craziness we missed Gavin's date night so it was a few days later than usual. (We have it the same day of the month as their birth date). He wanted to go to Carl's Jr to play on the toys. I however didn't want to because I wanted to spend time with him and not just sit at a table and watch him play. We took the long way there and I kept making other suggestions like going to the library to read stories, looking at the pictures at the Visitors Center, sledding, or even just playing on the toys at the park because at least I could play with him, but like I said he was determined/stubborn/just like his mom.
We did buy shakes so we weren't just playing on their toys, but it ended up being great because he sat and talked with me while we ate them.
Not sure what is going on with his pinky. We just laughed when I asked him about it.
He even asked if we could take some funny pictures!
Of course!!

On Tuesday the kids were just having a day. They weren't getting a long at all, were getting on each other's nerves as well as ours. Cody had had enough and he made the kids stand in the middle of the living room and hug. Needless to say they didn't like it and thought Cody was being so mean making them be nice to each other. 

Gavin asked me for a piece of paper and I didn't think anything of it becuase he is always making paper airplanes. A little bit later he told Cody that he left his something on his pillow. I had told Cody earlier how Gavin had left me a chocolate chip cookie on my seat in the van, so we assumed it was something similar. This is what we found:
Daddy's first nastygram

"Dear: Dad you have been
a little mean to us
kids so I would
like you to be
nice. love Gavin"

I told Cody at least he wrote "love Gavin" and to be proud because he did a good job writing the letter. Cody was not amused, lol. He asked Gavin to come talk to him and things must have went well because when I checked on them a little bit later I found them doing this:
Wrestling on our bed and Cody was still in his dirty work clothes. This time I was not amused, but at least they had made up. : )

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