Friday, January 10, 2014

Life of Fry

My girlfriend Chelsea asked if I could pick her and her family up from the airport for them last Saturday night. Of course I was happy to. I surprised them by dressing as a banana with a mustache. They saw "the banana" before they came out the door and wondered what in the world a banana was doing at the airport and then when they walked through the door they realized "the banana" was for them. Chelsea was laughing pretty hard, the kids just stared at me like I was an alien and Rod (Chelsea''s husband) I think wanted to run and pretend he didn't know me.
Chloe in her new "sparkle shirt" outfit that she got for her birthday.
Chloe's new favorite thing is to wear her "kitty boot" and her "little boot" together
Mason just hanging out in his truck.
This sign was waiting for me at Dr. Quinton's this morning when I went into work for a couple of hours along with a bag of my favorite popsicles (cherry, rootbeer and banana) and "Ten Tips to Surviving your Adult Tonsillectomy" which is hilarious!! Everyone is helping me get all ready for my surgery on Monday. I would like to say I'm excited, but I would pretty much be lying. I just want to get it over with.

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