Friday, April 27, 2012


As a child I remember hearing "you look like a little orphan" and at the time didn't know what they were talking about, but I imagined I looked something like this:
 We played in the dirt, ate without bibs and mowed the lawn. This was the end result!
 NASTY!!  Look at the bottom of his feet
 Yes ladies and gentleman that is snot hanging from my nose. Mommy was busy mowing the lawn and didn't have time to stop and wipe it.
 Oh My! I have never looked so terrible!
"Gross" - Mason
He actually doesn't look too bad, but all 3 of them got two baths that night. One to get the grossness (is that even a word?) off and a second to get clean!

1 comment:

Hayden Funny Farm said...

Hey we've seen some dental kids look that dirty. :)