Saturday, April 7, 2012

This Week

Monday we woke up to this!!!
 Dear Snow, 
 Where were you in January when we wanted you? 
You can go away now and don't come back until at least November. Thanks. 
Love, Teri
 Madisen (my niece who wasn't very happy to be in boy clothes and spider man boots), Gavin and Mason, oh and our dog Bud.
Note to self: Do Not leave the ranch near your 5 year old while changing a poopy diaper!!
 Gav and his favorite girl in the whole world!
(Look at all of her teeth, she has 12 now)
Chloe trying to be like big brother Mason
Introducing the cutest puppy in the world!! I wish I could say he was mine, but he's not, he belongs to my in-laws (at least until I kidnap him!).Isn't he super cute? We use to have an English Bulldog and he totally makes me want anther one!
 Chloe took right to him and even offered him a chicken leg!!
 Lunch was just too much to take, Chloe fell fast asleep in her bumbo as I was cleaning up.
 Look at those pretty lashes AND the macaroni stuck to her hand, 
Ha! Ha!
 Gavin was playing Spider man and "webbed" Chloe.
 She was a pretty good sport about it
 Mommy save me!

 I use to see pictures like this and wonder what were their parents doing while they did this? Do they not watch their kids? Now I totally understand!! I was showing Gavin some erupting volcanoes on YouTube (he is currently obsessed with "Voltano's, he use to call them "potatoes") and realized the other two were awfully quiet and this is why:
 Mason conditioned the floor and then his hands
Hi Mommy!

At least it gave me a good excuse to scrub my bathroom floor really good : )


Gavin LOVES pears and hot dog buns and ketchup with NO hotdog, so weird! 
This is what he told me today:
G- Mom did you know I have hair growing on my butt?
Me- You do? (trying not to laugh)
G- Yeah, when you are 5 you just get hair on your butt, is that weird?"
Me- Yeah, that's pretty weird. 

He also informed me that he can run and move faster now that he is 5, what a kid!! I just love him!

Mason loves to be outside and gets so excited when you get his jacket. Cheese is his new favorite food and that's all he wants to eat. He calls everything in his sipper juice, even if it is milk or water. He say's "gross" now (thanks to me and his gross diapers) and when he's poopy he comes up to me and say's "Mom,  poopy" as he's touching his bum and shaking his head. So funny until reality sits in and I realize I'm the one that gets to change what my sister refers to as the "death bomb"

She is walking so good now but she still kicks her legs like a frog every time you pick her up and she still twirls her feet while she is sitting which makes painting her toenails pretty difficult I might add! She has 12 teeth now, growls at you and then laughs (sometimes just at herself) and is such a momma's girl right now!!
Her hair is getting longer and about due for her first haircut to get it out of her eyes!

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