Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A few things

I have a new nephew, Evan Davis O. and he is soo cute!! Wish I had a picture to show you, but I don't : (  He was born this morning and weighed 9lb 3oz and was 21 inches long, the biggest baby Kaylee has ever had!!

We went to see him today and as we were leaving Gavin ran up to the double doors held up his arms and said "THE FORCE" as the doors opened. It was hilarious and reminded me so much of this Volkswagen Commercial.

Mason and Chloe had wellness checks today, here are the stats:
Mason: 34 inches (60th percentile), 25.8 lbs (40th percentile)
Chloe: 29 1/2 inches (16th percentile), 18lbs 10.5 oz, (14th percentile)


Hayden Funny Farm said...

Myka is going to catch Chole soon!!!

Jessie said...

That story about Gavin made me laugh. Congrats on your new nephew!