Sunday, April 22, 2012

Party! Party!

We partied our butts off on Friday! My nephews Kessler and Isaiah had a combined birthday party Friday afternoon complete with a jump house! All of the kids (me included) had a blast playing in it. I almost had my father-in-law convinced to get in and go down the slide, just once, but he chickened out at the last minute.
 Chloe was gathering up all the suckers from the goody bags that the kids were leaving around
 You can never have to many suckers!
 The jump house was so much fun
 Gavin doing flips down the slide
 Glad they decided to dog pile on her and not me!
The second party we went to was my Uncle Keith's surprise 60th!  He thought he had to help the Bishop interview someone, but when he got to the church and walked past the gym doors they turned the lights on and yelled surprise! He had no idea, it was awesome! We ate yummy treats, watched a slide show and let him open his gifts. We got him a gag gift which was a bag filled with things an old man may need. Prune juice, Milk of Magnesia, Gas Relief, magnifying glass, Depends, denture cream and denture cleanser and a pair of fingernail clippers with an attached magnifying glass. He laughed pretty hard. 

I don't know how I managed to not get a picture of any of the birthday boys, shame on me!

Happy 3rd  Birthday Kessler!
Happy 6th Birthday Isaiah!
Happy 60th Uncle Keith!

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