Friday, October 21, 2011

PuMpKiN cArViNg

Gavin has been asking about Halloween for weeks and after we got the pumpkins it was a few days before we could carve them. He couldn't wait to do it, but when it finally came down to it, he wanted nothing to do with touching "the guts" of the pumpkins. Cody and I did it all.
 Cody would make gross noises as he pull the insides out and have Gavin laughing so hard
 If Chloe could talk she would say:
"I am not amused!"
 Chloe's pumpkin, Cody even added a string of snot to it to make it more realistic!
 Mason with his pumpkin
 The only time Gavin touched anything but the outside of the pumpkin
He picked out the face himself and then make me carve it
The end result
Mason's, Chloe's and Gavin's Pumpkins

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