Friday, October 7, 2011

Hoarders, Take One

No, this in not a scene from the show "Hoarders", but it feels like it.

Thursday, the previous foster parents brought us all of Mason and Chloe's things and it ended up in my living room at the front door. (Did I mention that we outgrew our car AND house overnight?) Thursday night was the Welcome Party and all the goodies from that ended up in the rest of my living room. I have also not really had a chance to keep up on my dishes and laundry since I have two extra babies so when I woke up Friday morning to three kids and a house that would qualify for Hoarders I felt a little overwhelmed. I got diapers changed, teeth brushed, kids dressed (Gavin dressed himself without me even having to ask) and breakfast was through.  By now it was 11:30am. I hadn't showered, brushed my teeth, dishes were still piled up and I was starving because I hadn't had 2 seconds to eat.

Also earlier that day Mason had gotten a hold of a Batman sticker that Gavin loves and has had since a friends birthday party clear back in July. Mason crumpled it and ripped it a little. Gavin brought it to me and said "Mason just ruined my sticker".  His bottom lip came out, he dropped to his knees and started crying which of course broke my heart but I was in the middle of feeding Chloe a bottle and couldn't do much consoling at the time. I gave him a hug when I was through and I explained to him that it was an accident and that Mason is to little to know any better. We made the top of his dresser his "special place" for him to put all his "special stuff" that he doesn't want the babies to get into. He is just use to being able to leave his things around and nothing happens to them. 

Cody had his company BBQ and I needed to be ready by 12:30.  He walked in the door and knew I was only about 2 degrees from having a meltdown. He kissed me on the forehead,
got me something to eat and then took over with the kids so that I could go get ready.

We made it to the BBQ right on time and I even played some golf for the first time in years and quickly remembered why I don't play it more often! I pretty much stink with capital "S".

To clarify, I really am doing fine and while I am extra busy going from 1 to 3 kids, it's great. I just hate clutter and messes and I would've felt the same way with or without the kids. I got the mess cleaned up (FINALLY) late Saturday night and life is good now : ) We are getting a routine down and I even braved the grocery store with all three kids!! Whoo hoo for me!

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