Friday, October 21, 2011


 My babies!!
 This picture kills me and is one of those a-picture-says-a-thousand-words pictures. Mason does not hold still, he's always on the move and rarely looks at the camera. Gavin is always looking at the camera with a big cheesy grin and Chloe, oh Chloe, she does NOT like headbands and doesn't understand that I have been waiting years for a baby girl and secondly, look at that belly!! She has the hugest fat rolls and the chubbiest legs, I LOVE IT!!
 Thumb, check. Burp cloth, check. Time for a quick nap
 Handsome Boy
 Snacking on a snake, delicious!!
 Hanging out with mom at the computer
 This is Melvin. He is the neighbor boy across the street and he is always wanting to rake my leaves, weed my flower beds and shovel the snow off my driveway, but he won't do any of it for his mom and it drives her CRAZY, but I'm not complaining one bit ; )
 Mason getting some practice for next summer
 I promise Mason does not live in his high chair, but seriously it is about the only time I can get him to sit still long enough to get a picture of those beautiful brown eyes!!
 One Happy Momma!!
 Taking the dog to the park to play
 A day's supply!
Not really, but sometimes I feel like it. Gavin was extra excited to show me his castle that he built out of all the boxes
Gavin and Chloe in their new pj's
Mason didn't want to sit with them
 My matching boys!
Thanks again Sherri, the pj's are so cute!
 Cheesin it in her Urkel pants
 Look quick, she has a bow!
Gavin the super awesome big brother. He takes his role seriously and is such a GREAT helper too!!

We are figuring it out and getting use to each other and our new lives. I'm learning what they like/dislike. What makes them giggle uncontrollably and what upsets them. I'm figuring out food likes/dislikes and how they like to go down for naps and to bed. It's a lot to take in for these two and they have been little troopers even though everything for the most part is all new to them.

Gavin is adjusting well too. He has his moments, but we all do. We have been extra careful to make sure he is getting all the attention he needs and not change his routine too much either. Honestly the transition has been a lot easier than we had anticipated and we are thankful for that and we hope it continues to go this smooth. ; )


Hayden Funny Farm said...

Wahoo, you had time to BLOG!!! You have a thumb sucker-awesome. They look so happy and like they are thriving. Think of you often! Love ya and miss you.

sara said...

I was smiling from ear to ear the whole time!!! What an adorable little family.

Nikki said...

Fun pictures. Glad to hear you are adjusting to life =)

oldangelgirl said...

So cute!!! They are all so adorable! Lucky, lucky girl... :)