Friday, October 21, 2011

An official M-V-M!! (with a side of puke)

All I can think of right now as I write this post is 

"Resistance is Futile, you will be assimilated" 
"Luke, come to the dark side".

Now let me explain. It was pretty tough fitting 3 carseats in to the back seat of my Honda Accord, add a diaper bag, stoller, etc. and there was literally no room to breath. So we began our search for a bigger vehicle. I really wanted a Nissan Armada, but reading the reviews it said "atrocious gas mileage". I thought to myself, it can't be that bad, but sure enough, it got 9 (that's right 9) measly miles in town and a whopping 13 on the highway...ok so it really is atrocious. 

So the hunt continued. We spent lots of time on the internet researching and even more time driving around car lots in town looking at potential possibilities. We decided we needed a 7 seater so that if we had an extra niece or nephew, which we frequently do, we would have the space and that narrowed our search as well. We looked at Suburbans, Pilots, Expeditions, you name it and we looked at it, except minivans, 


Saturday morning Cody went out on his own and brought home a Nissan Pathfinder which is like an Armada, but smaller, a lot smaller! I felt claustrophobic sitting in the front seat. There wasn't much room for anything. Cody took it back and I told him to hurry because we were suppose to be in Rigby in about 30 min. He made it back on time, but IN A MINIVAN!!!  I couldn't believe it!! A MINIVAN??   The salesman sent it with Cody for us to drive to Rigby in. If we weren't going to be late I would have made him take it back, but I had no choice so we loaded up the kids and their car seats...and it was SO EASY. It wasn't too tall for short little me AND thanks to the captains chairs I could easily get to Gavin in the 3rd row seat without having to collapse the second row seat AND it was so spacious!! I couldn't believe it, but I was still skeptical. 

Cody made me drive which I was hesitant at first, but I did and it was so smooth. I was very impressed, so guess what:
That's right I am now officially a "MINIVAN MOM" (M.V.M) I'm still trying to get use the the idea myself and still find myself occasionally cringing at the thought. All these years I swore off a minivan and now I drive one, but what can I say except it's practical and easy. One day I will own something more exciting and easier on the eyes, but for now, this works.

And now for the exciting story of the purchase!!!

We showed up at the dealership straight from Rigby so we had all 3 kids. It was suppose to be quick and easy because Cody already bartered a price over the phone so all we had to do was paperwork. What transpired over the next 1 1/2 hours is a scene from Friday the 13th.

We are in Tyler's office BEGINNING the paperwork (which is as ridiculous as all my charting I have to do as a nurse) when Mason comes cruising in and falls hitting his face on the floor and instantly gets a bloody nose. Cody picks him up not realizing he is bleeding and Cody got blood all over his sleeve and pants. I hand Chloe to Cody and talk Mason (in my very white shirt) to the bathroom to clean him up. 

We get into the bathroom and as I sit Mason on the sink he sneezes splattering my shirt, neck, face (basically everything from the waist up) in blood (my very white shirt is now polk-a-dot). The front of his own shirt is bloody by now too. I'm trying to console him, but at the same time stop the bleeding which he won't let me do. Every time I would get near his face he would push my hand away and use his own hand and sleeve on himself so I just rocked him and rubbed his back over the sink so all the blood dripped in there. Gavin followed me in the bathroom and was asking question after question and I of course he wouldn't go back to his dad. 

After a few minutes that seemed like an eternity Mason calmed down and the bleeding finally stopped. I got him cleaned up the best I could with water and paper towels and took him back to Cody so I could clean myself up as well as the murder scene in the bathroom

I get back to the office and in the meantime Chloe had puked down Cody's shirt so he too was covered in little person bodily fluids. By the time I got the bathroom and myself cleaned up the best it could be it was dinner time and the kids were letting us know. I couldn't leave because I didn't have a vehicle so I got some raisins and granola bars out of the diaper bag. Another salesman brought Gavin what was left of his Chili Cheese Fritos. Toddlers + raisins +fritos+granola bars= huge mess.  If that wasn't an incentive to hurry his butt up with the paperwork I don't know what was! 

By the time we were done the office had blood (thank goodness for dark carpet), spit up, Fritos, raisins and granola bar all over in it. I went back while Cody was buckling the kids in and cleaned most of it up, but I was never so glad to be out of somewhere and I'm sure they were just as relived to have us gone!! 

We got back to our house and it didn't end. Paul and Erin (my bro and sis-in-law) were there with their newish twins and by the time they left for the night Brigham puked on my neck, which ran down my shirt and settled in my bra, Paul was in one of Cody's shirts (again due to puking) and Erin had to take off her sweatshirt!! What a day. All we could do was sit here and half laugh and half cry because of everything that just happened. These are the moments.....


Sally said...

Oh my gosh!! That is seriously horrible. At least you will never, ever forget the day you bought your mini-van.

Beka said...

Honestly, I used to show up everywhere with a huge sigh of relief & say, "Whew! I made it! I'm covered in spit & snot, but I made it!"

Great post! Thanks for keeping it real! :)

The Chase's said...

lol... So glad you are part of the Kia Posse- yep that's right I plan on starting a posse- I only wish the Waite's were still here to be a part of it!! Sorry you had such a day but like you said these really are "the moments" that I think we will remember. :)