Sunday, October 5, 2014

Fall(ing Leaves)

"Let me rake mom so you don't have to do all the work"
(insert melting heart and happy tears, I have the coolest 7 1/2 year old ever)
Chloe striking a pose while Gavin rakes and Madisen shows Gavin a bouquet of leaves she made

Gavin lined the kids up and then counted to three so they could all jump in the leaves together

Mason got out the snow shovel so he could help

Mason really struggles getting his pants and underwear up so they almost always look like this, the waistband of his pants rolled under and his undies bunched up and sticking out the top. I have showed him over and over again, but he just doesn't care. What's a mom to do?
Gavin would have the kids bury him and then he would come out "from his grave" as a "zombie" and chase them all over

This picture cracks me up! The kids were running and jumping into the leaves and somehow Chloe tripped (she is my super clumsy one) and ended up going down backwards and then laid there and laughed and laughed.
Have I mentioned this kid LOVES to read?

September 22, 2014

1 comment:

Angela said...

Gavin is seriously a wonderful boy. But you already know that. :)