Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Life of Fry

Gavin's first ride on his bike with his new-to-him riding boots.
Mason was pretty excited to show me his sucker ghost he made at preschool
Grandma came and helped with one of the carnival games. Gavin was so excited that grandma got to see his school AND that grandma dressed up :) Cody said the entire time they were in line to play her game the kids kept telling anyone and everyone who would listen (and even those who didn't) that there grandma was the one running the game.
One of the few seconds I got to see my kids the night of the carnival (more on that later). They were super excited because they all got cotton candy.
My cavity free kids at the dentist : )

Gavin's school mascot is the Viper's and they have an actual snake (Bentley the corn snake) that lives at the school. I was there the next day cleaning up carnival aftermath and Eric had the snake out. In fact I was walking into the office, saw him on the floor, screamed very loudly and shut the door to the conference room. The kids however, loved him so I had to be in the same room as him to get a few pictures. Good thing my phone has a zoom!

I found a six pack of these when I was shopping for carnival supplies and couldn't help but buy them. We were meeting daddy at Carsten's for Fat Fryday and we surprised him on the side of the van with theses.
Gavin didn't want to wear one, but he was more than happy to give the animals bunny ears.
Waiting to surprise daddy/Uncle Cody
He even joined in the fun!
Chloe was excited because we were both wearing stripes and "black legs"
(Behind the scenes: I had to hold Chloe's hands down to keep her from pulling her new camera face which is fish hooking both sides of her mouth with her fingers. Also, I asked Cody to take the picture and this is literally the best one of 17!! No lie. We kids of had a little argument about it. They are always blurry because he doesn't hold the camera/phone still as he pushes the button or he stands a million miles away so you can't see anything unless you crop it and then its still super blurry.  He was mad because he had to take so many and I was mad because he had to take so many!! Note so self, have 7 year old take my pics. How's that for airing my dirty laundry)
Playing games with mom
The kids (all still in their pajamas at noon on a Saturday) buried Gavin in the leaves

This is how I found Gavin when I went to wake him up for school)
He rolled over after the flash from the first picture. He had his blankets all pushed down to the bottom of his bed and was using the puppy as one
I came home from running errands and someone had moved all of our pumpkins off of our porch and in front of our driveway
Mason made "Jesus shoes" in his sunbeams class today with Sister Mitchell

 A text I got from my sister. Megan is my niece. I guess the word is out that Cody really loves duck hunting.

What else we've been up to:

Working- They just finished up the new Melalueca building on 1-15 and has been splitting his time between planning meetings for the Idaho Falls Temple renovation starting next March and Idaho Falls Power. He loves it when we go eat lunch with him on days I have off and Mason doesn't have school.
Duck hunting: He hasn't been as much as he would like because one of his hunting buddies broke his had and trigger finger, but he's still getting out. He got a bunch of gift cards to Sportsmans for his birthday and spent all of them on hunting supplies.
Fry Farm: I tease Cody that we have a farm because of all the animals that we have, especially for living in town. He is out there everyday taking care of the bunny and chickens, gathering eggs, laying out fresh straw and giving them pep talks when they skip a day laying eggs.

 School Carnival- Ugghhh! I feel like I have spent every spare second of my life getting everything ready for it and I am so glad it's over!!  I offered to "help" with the games and the next thing I know I'm in charge of ALL of the games which included planning what games to play, mapping them out in the school finding approx. 35 people to run the booths, getting prizes, keeping prizes stocked the night of the carnival, making arrangements for the money machine and photo booth, making sure people are where they are suppose to be when they are suppose to be.
 Oh! and did I mention I was also in charge of the spook alley? That in of itself was CRAZY!! I was told on more than one occasion that "the 6th grade takes care of the spook alley". The Friday before the carnival (which was the following Thursday) I "accidentally" found out that the 6th graders only help with the Spook Alley during the carnival. I am in charge of finding the supplies, setting it up, and getting the rest of the volunteers! Holy Crapping my pants!!
My other two glitches were that the money machine from ICCU was ginourmous and didn't fit in the 6th grade hall like planned so we had to move it next to the Candy Bar Walk at the last minute which was fine except the Candy Bar Walk was kind of a flop being next to the money machine. The second glitch was a certain person at the school (who will remain nameless because I don't want to get on her bad side at the beginning of the school year) failed to give the teachers their carnival assignments that they asked for so I suddenly had 8 volunteer spots to fill at the last minute. Luckily the majority of the teachers were there and gladly filled those spots in for me.
All in all it honestly did turn our really great, it was just an exhausting, but fun night. I'm just going to make sure that next year I am really just helping instead of being in charge

I can't think of anything else I did this month so that's what you get.

Basketball: He just started another season of basketball at the YMCA. Besides dirt bikes, basketball is his favorite thing.  He has had a few practices and his first game is this coming Saturday.

Flying: He got to go for another plane ride with Bruce Spaulding. He tells everyone he wants to be a ninja pilot when he grows up.

Halloween: Gavin has been counting down the days to Halloween since last year, it's his "second favorite holiday".

Games: He loves to play board games which I love as well because I get to play with him. We play a lot of "Sorry!" and Checkers. He can even beat me at checkers now sometimes and I'm not even letting him win. That kid is a thinker I tell ya!

Preschool: He is loving preschool. He is so excited to show me what's in his backpack all the time, but when I ask him what he did at school, he tells me "I just don't remember". 

Thumb sucking- He was getting so good there for awhile about not sucking his thumb and now it has come back with a vengeance! So bad that he has sores on his thumb. I put band-aids and ointment on it yesterday because it was getting infected and it stopped him from sucking it all day long. I think I'm going to keep doing it until he figures out the band-aids come off. We still put him in his "special" shirt at night (a dress shirt on backwards with the sleeves sewn shut so he can't suck his thumb) and he has a sticker chart now and he gets a sticker every day he doesn't suck his thumb. Hopefully something works because he is really messing his jaw up and I don't want him to have to deal with head gear, etc when he gets older.

Growing up: He made his bed by himself the other day without me even asking him and he can open the van door by himself now. I had no idea until the other day when he beat me to the van and opened it up all on his own.

 Girly Girl: She wants to wear dresses all the time and for the most part we let her unless she keeps showing everyone her undies and then she has to wear pants the next day. She asks to have her nails repainted every Sunday morning. She wants everything pink and sparkly!

Dark: She is suddenly afraid of the dark and monsters. She has a scentsy and a night light on in her room everynight and we have to reassure her that there are no monsters and the sounds she hears is just mom and dad walking around upstairs after she goes to bed. 

Performer: She is ALWAYS dancing and singing. She is always making up songs and when she is done singing one of them she asks me, "Was that a beautiful song mommy?'


Jessie said...

Busy! But busy in the fun best kind of ways. Love reading these life of fry updates.

The Cawley's said...

Madi had a period where she was afraid of monsters in her room. We couldn't convince her that monsters weren't real thanks to Diego (grrr) so I made a new label for vanilla scented febreze that was monster be gone and I let her spray it a couple of times before she got in bed to make all the little monsters go home to their beds. Maybe it will help Chloe?!?

Angela said...

I love it! This was an awesome post. You had quite the month! Mucho grande kudos for the carnival. You are an amazing woman. :) Love ya!